Become an English Teacher
Interested in teaching English? Certification to teach at the secondary level in Oregon is achieved through completing an Initial Teaching License program, such as 性世界传媒’s MAT program. If you’re an English major and plan to pursue a career in secondary education, you should prepare for that certification while still in the undergraduate program.
You will work with your advisor to choose writing and literature courses that best support your career goals. Both the writing and literature concentrations will prepare you to pursue your MAT degree following graduation. In addition to those English courses, the following courses are strongly recommended:
- EDUC 250 Teaching as a Profession
- WRIT 210 Practical Grammar and Editing
- LITR 379 Shakespeare
We also recommend the following courses for those who desire further preparation:
- WRIT 350 Composition Theory
- LITR 350 Literary Criticism
Double Majors/Minors
Work with your advisor to select a minor or additional major in another area you would like to teach. Prospects of being hired after graduation are better for those who can teach in more than one content area
Language arts is often paired with social studies, especially in middle school. Other marketable concentrations include English as a Second Language (ESL), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), history and mathematics.
To be licensed to teach in Oregon, majors need to pass the exam for English Language Arts. It is required for licensure and must be completed prior to student teaching (and sooner is better).
Additional information may be acquired by meeting with Kipp Wilfong, admissions counselor for 性世界传媒’s MAT program.

Kipp Wilfong
Admissions Counselor, Graduate Education Programs