
GCEP Course Descriptions

Table of Contents

GCEP 500 Introduction to Systems Theory and Practice

3 credit hours

An examination of key concepts in marital and family systems, including the family life cycle, as well as an introduction to various approaches to marital and family therapy. Core counseling skills as used in systems therapy will be taught and practiced. Prevention services as well as the roles of ethnicity and culture will be studied.

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GCEP 501 Principles and Techniques of Counseling

3 credit hours

This course reviews basic concepts and skills of counseling individuals, including practice in applying those concepts and techniques in counseling situations during class. Emphasis is on conditions for effective helping relationships, attending and interviewing skills, basic theoretical assumptions, ethical principles, and professional orientation.

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GCEP 502 School Counseling Clinical Practicum

3 credit hours

The Clinical Practicum for school counselors contributes to the development of the mental health professional component of a conjoint professional school counselor identity of both mental health professional and educational leader. It is a supervised experiential learning component of the school counseling program as well as a didactic course. As such, students will gain hands-on clinical experience under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced school counselor in developing clinical skills for working effectively and with cross-cultural sensitivity with a variety of clients in a school setting. Students will also participate in campus-based group supervision of the above process. Students will also engage with didactic course content designed to advance students’ clinical counseling skills. This content includes communicating the limits of confidentiality, mandatory reporting, the arc of a counseling session, identifying issues, goal setting, termination, immediacy, note taking and case formulation, consultation, referrals, (counter-)transference and boundaries, as well as training in both solution-focused and narrative counseling approaches. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: GCEP 501 Principles and Techniques of Counseling. Students must have attended the Practica Orientation.

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GCEP 503 Risk & Resiliency in Youth

3 credit hours

This course examines sources of biological and social risk that impede the development of personal wellness, academic achievement, and social competency in children and adolescents. Students explore the prevalence of these risk factors nationwide and in local communities, with emphasis on sources of resiliency that ameliorate risk and are enhanced by community, environmental, institutional, and cultural protective factors and opportunities. Students are exposed to and guided in assessing current, local partnerships between school, county, and community agencies addressing barriers that hinder children¿s personal, social, and academic functioning. Students also gain an understanding of the multifaceted role school counselors have as advocates for and designers of policies, comprehensive programs, and collaborative services that are equitable and responsive to the needs of diverse children and their families. Legal and ethical issues in working with these populations are addressed throughout the course.

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GCEP 504 Childhood and Adolescent Disorders

2 credit hours

The goal of this course is to provide students with an concentrated study of various childhood and adolescent disorders. The etiology, diagnostic criteria, assessment needs, and recommended intervention and treatment strategies of childhood disorders will be presented. A focus will be placed on understanding the disorders in school settings, including the role of Individualized Education (IEP) and 504 Plans. An integrative perspective will be taken that acknowledges biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences and their interdependence, and is guided by the consideration of developmental processes that shape and are shaped by the expression of these disorders. Co-morbidities and developmental norms that help inform diagnostic decisions will also be discussed. For students in School Counseling programs only, others by permission. Prerequisite: GCEP 501

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GCEP 505 Foundations in School Counseling

3 credit hours

This course integrates theory, practice, and research to provide an overview of school counseling models, services, and skills. Students will learn the ASCA National Model and Oregon's Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Framework. They will become familiar with the roles and functions of the professional school counselor across levels. Students will understand different models of and develop essential skills in consultation, coordination, and collaboration. They will understand how school counselors advocate and take leadership for systemic change. Students will develop skills for designing, implementing, evaluating, and advocating for comprehensive school counseling programs that include all students and meet the needs of diverse student populations. Students will begin to develop a professional identity as school counselors. For students in School Counseling programs only, others by permission.

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GCEP 506 Classroom Teaching and Learning

2 credit hours

This course, first in a sequence of two consecutive courses, is designed to fundamentally prepare students for the required student teaching practicum for Track II school counseling students pursuing an Initial School Counseling License who do not have teaching experience. Students will gain an overview of the historical aspects and progression of the educational system. The fundamentals of how to appropriately plan for student learning, organize curriculum, utilize a variety of instructional strategies, assess learning, and develop techniques for effective classroom management are also addressed. Meeting the needs of diverse learners while promoting academic success, personal/social, and/or career development will be emphasized. Students will plan and develop a 5-day integrated unit of study related to a counseling theme using a variety of instructional strategies that promote critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Pass/No Pass. For students in School Counseling programs only.

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GCEP 507 Teaching Practicum

3 credit hours

This course, the second of two consecutive courses, will partially fulfill requirements for the school counseling licensure criteria established by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) for prospective school counselors who do not have two years of teaching experience in Oregon or out-of-state public or regionally accredited private schools (Track II). The classroom student teaching practicum will prepare prospective school counselors to work collaboratively with educators by learning about how today's schools operate, what guiding principles educators use, and how research-based practices are effective in the classroom in promoting academic success, personal/social, and/or career development. Prospective school counselors will have the opportunity to integrate educational concepts and instructional strategies within the classroom environment while also addressing the needs of diverse and multicultural learners through planned learning activities. Students will prepare and teach a work sample under the guidance of a cooperating teacher. Both formative and summative assessment will be a key component of the work sample. This course is intended for students in the School Counseling program only. Prerequisite: GCEP 506

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GCEP 509 Lifestyle and Career Development

2 credit hours

This course is designed to acquaint students with the foundational issues and resources of career counseling, the lifestyle and career decision making process, and comprehensive career-guidance programs for K-12 populations. Students gain an overview of the historical development of career counseling and a basic understanding of relevant theories. The interrelatedness of lived experience, life roles, and calling in career development for diverse populations is visited. Students are exposed to opportunities to gain both multicultural and social justice advocacy awareness, knowledge, and skills as they relate to lifestyle and career development for all students. Students will also identify the criteria necessary to plan, organize, implement, administrate, and evaluate a comprehensive K-12 career counseling program that addresses the career development of all students, along with an understanding of career and educational planning, placement, follow-up, and evaluation. In addition they are acquainted with cutting edge technology resources and assessment tools used in career counseling in schools. This course is intended for students in the School Counseling program only. Prerequisite: GCEP 501; GCEP 505 recommended.

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GCEP 510 Human Growth & Development

3 credit hours

The study of human growth and development recognizes that a complex interplay of biological, intrapsychic, relational, and social dynamics are in constant motion throughout one's lifespan. Therefore, this course examines human development from an ecosystemic perspective by surveying a variety of major developmental theories as applied across the lifespan and identifying the use of those theories in the practice of Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy. The influence of cultural dynamics on human development is also considered, as expressed through dominant social values shaping our understanding and experience of self, family, gender, race, ethnicity, and spirituality. Emphasis is placed on applying developmental theories in the assessment and diagnosis of individuals, couples, and families, and in the educational environment. This course is intended for Graduate School of Counseling Students only. Pre/Co-requisites for CMHC/MCFC students: GCEP 500 and GCEP 540. Pre-requisites for School Counseling students: GCEP 500

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GCEP 511 Ethical and Legal Issues

3 credit hours

This course is preparatory for students' school based internship experience, and is designed to acquaint students with the professional, legal, and ethical issues with which school counselors, school psychologists, and LPCs grapple. Students will become familiar with the ACA and ASCA or APA and NASP ethical codes, Oregon laws related to licensure and practicing as a school counselor, school psychologist, and LPCs; as well as the legal and professional responsibilities of school counselors and school psychologists, and will understand and experience how their values interact with the implementation of their codes. Students will also understand licensure and certification requirements relevant to their respective fields as part of their ongoing professional identity development. This course is intended for students in the School Counseling program only. Prerequisite: to be taken summer prior to internship.

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GCEP 514 Couple Therapy

3 credit hours

This course equips the student to function more effectively in providing systemically-oriented conjoint couple therapy. Attention is given to understanding and assessing the couple as an interacting system; treatment planning; developing and maintaining therapeutic balance; and acquiring and practicing specific skills and frameworks for systemic case conceptualization, intervention, and termination. Focus is on an integrative, holistic paradigm of couple functioning, including diversity. A common-factors and core competencies approach to interventions and the use of the therapeutic triangle as the basic structure for conjoint couple counseling are emphasized throughout. This course is intended for MCFC students. Students from other programs may request permission from the Department. Pre-Requisite: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, GCEP 540

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GCEP 515 School Counseling Internship I

3 credit hours

The school counseling internship contributes to the development of a conjoint school counselor identity of both mental health professional and educational leader. It is a supervised experiential learning component of the school counseling program. As such, students will gain hands-on experience under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced school counselor in developing clinical skills for working with a variety of students in a school setting, and educational leader skills for carrying out the full spectrum of tasks in which professional school counselors engage. Students will also participate in campus-based group supervision of the above process. Pass/No Pass. For Master of Arts in School Counseling students only. Prerequisites: Student must have (a) completed all other coursework with a B or better grade, (b) applied and been accepted as an internship candidate, and (c) attended the Internship Orientation (During spring semester of that year). Corequisites: GCEP 568 Action research Designs I and GCEP 516 Treatment Planning.

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GCEP 516 Treatment Planning I

1 credit hour

Internship is a supervised experiential learning component of the school counseling program. As such, students will gain hands-on experience under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced school counselor in developing clinical skills for working with a variety of clients in a school setting, and experience in carrying out the full spectrum of tasks in which professional school counselors engage. Students will also participate in campus-based group supervision of the above process. Pass/No Pass. Corequisite: GCEP 512 Internship A: Early Childhood and Elementary School Counseling I or GCEP 515.

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GCEP 517 School Counseling Internship II

3 credit hours

The school counseling internship contributes to the development of a conjoint school counselor identity of both mental health professional and educational leader. It is a supervised experiential learning component of the school counseling program. As such, students will gain hands-on experience under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced school counselor in developing clinical skills for working with a variety of students in a school setting, and educational leader skills for carrying out the full spectrum of tasks in which school counselors engage. Students will also participate in campus-based group supervision of the above process. Pass/No Pass. For students in the School Counseling program only. Pre-requisite: GCEP 515

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GCEP 518 Treatment Planning II

1 credit hour

This course is intended to follow up GCEP 504 Childhood and Adolescent Disorders and operates in conjunction with GCEP 513 Internship A: Early Childhood and Elementary Counseling I or GCEP 517 Internship B: Middle Level and High School Counseling I. The student will explore comprehensive treatment planning strategies, including the development of written statements of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms; systemic processes; short-term objectives; intervention strategies, appropriate community referrals, and collaboration with the school systems and parents. Various therapeutic methods utilized in treatment and management of mental disorders will be presented. Pass/No Pass. For students in the School Counseling program only. Prerequisite: GCEP 516. Corequisite: GCEP 517

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GCEP 519 School Counseling Portfolio

1 credit hour

The School Counseling Portfolio is the capstone of both the degree and licensure only programs, and is done concurrent with the student's final semester of internship. This multidimensional project includes four sections. In Part I the student will prepare a comprehensive paper detailing his or her theory of the nature of persons, the change process, healthy/unhealthy functioning, and the therapeutic process. In Part II the student will demonstrate the application of this theory in an actual case presentation through the use of video, session transcripts, and written reflection, thereby demonstrating perceptual, conceptual, and executive clinical skills. In Part III the student will present a 3- year growth plan, a counselor introduction statement, and a professional résumé. In part IV the student will provide work samples for each of the licensure standards for school counselors set forth by TSPC. This four-part portfolio will be evaluated by a GDC supervisor and a licensed professional school counselor (outside reader) from the community. Pass/No Pass. Co-Requisite: GCEP 517. Additional course fee required.

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GCEP 520 Personality and Counseling Theory

3 credit hours

This course is a survey of major contemporary theories of counseling and personality development with particular emphasis on the etiology, assessment, and treatment of psychopathological states as interpreted within various theoretical frameworks. The course surveys the major figures and their theories in the area of personality and counseling modalities. Theorists are examined to discover their views of anthropology, psychopathology, normalcy, behavioral, and relational assessment, in addition to their therapeutic goals and interventions. The course explores each theory in light of social and cultural diversity as well as the integrative impact of spirituality and religiosity on the development of the person. The systemic perspective, which recognizes that personality is embedded in various systems (family, relational, social, community and cultural), is considered throughout.

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GCEP 522 Advanced Clinical Skills

2 credit hours

It is crucial that professional counselors, after a basic framework of counseling is in place and an introspective process has begun, be trained in the advanced clinical skills of helping. To do this well, the counselor must be trained in such topics and skills as: transference and counter-transference, influencing skills, treatment planning, spirituality, and termination. This course will introduce the student to these counseling topics and more. This course builds on GCEP 501 and utilizes the Egan Model of Counseling described in that course. This course is for Clinical Mental Health Counseling students only; all others by permission. Prerequisites: GCEP 500, 501, GCEP 540.

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GCEP 523 Practicum

3 credit hours

This class will provide students with supervised field experiences in school psychology. Group supervision and seminar will take place during scheduled class time. Relevant time and case conceptualization will be applied to school-based cases presented during group supervision. Each student will gain experience with a wide variety of exceptional children, including children from early childhood to secondary school levels. The practicum is an integrative experience as the student will blend theory and practical skills in working with diverse students, parents, and school professionals. Prerequisites: GCEP 501 Principles and Techniques of Counseling; GCEP 545 Cognitive Assessment; GCEP 544 Academic Assessment; GCEP 547 Personality & Behavioral Assessment

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GCEP 524 Family Therapy

3 credit hours

This course explores and applies fundamental knowledge and skills utilized in the treatment of relational systems. Perceptual, conceptual and executive skills will be developed through direct case application of required reading as well as simulated therapy sessions with specific client families. The student will also demonstrate an awareness of current best practice strategies, while also exploring issues of justice and advocacy as embedded in relational ethics and the challenge of interpersonal forgiveness. In addition, the student will identify multi-model intake and initial assessment methods. Instruction format includes a hybrid-learning environment utilizing both face-to-face and online class activities. GCEP 524 P1 and GCEP 524 P2 are combined and will be taught and graded by both instructors. For MCFC students only, others by permission. Prerequisites: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, and GCEP 540.

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GCEP 530 Psychopathology and Appraisal

3 credit hours

The treatment of individuals, couples, and families requires multidimensional assessment skills in order to ensure ethical, appropriate, and effective intervention strategies. This course is intended to begin the student's process of developing mastery in the assessment and diagnosis of psychopathology as codified in the DSM-V-TR. Biological, psychological, cultural, and systemic factors are considered in the assessment, etiology, and treatment of various disorders. This course is designed for Graduate School of Counseling students. Prerequisites for CMHC/MCFC students: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, and GCEP 540. Prerequisites for School Counseling students: GCEP 500 and GCEP 501.

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GCEP 531 Intro to School Psychology

3 credit hours

This course is a general introduction to the field of school psychology with an overview of major issues related to the professional practice of psychology in the schools. Topics for study include historical development, education and training, practice and research, licensure and certification, legal and ethical issues, diversity, and future directions. For students in the School Psychology program only, others by permission.

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GCEP 533 Consultation in the Schools

3 credit hours

This course will introduce the school psychology student to different models of consultation services in the schools. The students will learn about a multi-tiered systems of support for academic and behavioral challenges and the role of the consultant. Through the investigation of the consultation model, students will develop the interpersonal skills to be an effective consultant, learn about the power differentials in a consultative relationship and the unique impact of diverse factors, and explore the legal and ethical issues pertaining to consultation in schools. At the system-level of consultation, students will explore different approaches to program evaluation and research and the link to program development and evaluation. Co-requisite: GCEP 523 (exceptions with faculty consent)

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GCEP 534 Sexual Issues in the Clinical Setting

2 credit hours

This course is an introduction to working with a client or client system's sexuality and/or sexual concerns in the clinical setting. Students will review aspects of sexual functioning from a bio-psycho-social and spiritual perspective as best practices in response are explored. This course is for Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Marriage, Couple & Family and MCFC certificate students only. Pre/Corequisite: GCEP 589. Prerequisites: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, GCEP 540

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GCEP 539 Introduction to Trauma Informed Practice

2 credit hours

This course provides an introduction to theoretical constructs informing the speciality of traumatology and trauma-informed best practices in response. Students will identify risk and resiliency factors influencing prevention and intervention services that are embedded in the tri-phasic model of recovery. Emphasis is placed on examining the nature of unmitigated stress and/or trauma, and the role of epigenetic and social-cultural factors in mitigating or increasing vulnerability. Multimodal assessment and response strategies prepare the student for advanced traumatology courses examining various treatment issues in greater depth. Instruction format includes both digital synchronous (via Zoom) and digital asynchronous (via Canvas and/or Google applications) class activities.

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GCEP 540 Professional Orientation

3 credit hours

This course is a study of the professional and ethical issues that most effect the preparation for the practice of counseling individuals, couples, and families. The course is focused on the development of the professional identity of counselors in training. This includes study of legal and ethical issues (including professional mental health organizations and state law) related to licensure and clinical practice, as well as the professional responsibilities of counselors. Development and maintenance of private and agency professional practice is also addressed. This course is for Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Marriage, Couple & Family and MCFC certificate students only.

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GCEP 542 Systems and Diversity in Schools

3 credit hours

This course will introduce the school psychology student to the diverse systems of influence and confluence in the schools. Students will learn about the educational system including diverse service delivery models and organizational theory. Emphasis will be given to the interplay of political, social, economic, and cultural systems at the systemic level. At the individual level, study will focus on families, family diversity, cultural diversity and the role of spirituality in families and the individual. The convergence of individual systems and systemic models will be investigated. Students will also study the legal and legislative rulings that have greatly impacted educational systems and service delivery in the schools.

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GCEP 543 Exceptional Child

3 credit hours

This class introduces students to the cognitive, psychosocial, and psychomotor needs of students with a variety of disabilities. Focus is placed on a need-based model of assessment, program planning, and evaluation. Instructional strategies are evaluated in terms of their impact on various disabilities. For students in School Psychology programs only, others by permission.

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GCEP 544 Academic Assessment

4 credit hours

Students will be provided with educational achievement instruments used by school psychologists and introduced to the administration skills needed for assessing academic achievement, learning modalities, and processing skills. Interpretation and presentation of test scores, formulation of educational recommendations and goals, and comprehensive report writing skills will be emphasized. Particular attention will be given to working with learners of culturally and linguistically diverse populations. For students in School Psychology programs only, others by permission. No Pre-Requisites. Additional course fee is required.

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GCEP 545 Cognitive Assessment

4 credit hours

This course will teach about administration skills for cognitive assessment, and evaluations on children/students (birth to 21) as used by school psychologists. It has a practice application component regarding how to administer and interpret a variety of standardized tests, and present assessment results and educational recommendations. Focus will be given to working with a diverse student population. For students in School Psychology programs only, others by permission.

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GCEP 546 Test and Measurement

3 credit hours

A study of the basic concepts and principles of psychological assessment tools employed in schools. It builds on the foundation of statistical knowledge, especially of factors influencing validity and reliability. Students will explore a broad variety of psychological testing materials used by school psychologists and review alternative methods of assessing competencies. Ethical considerations in the field of assessment are emphasized as well as contemporary issues, such as validity of assessment instruments for diverse populations. For students in School Psychology programs only, others by permission. Prerequisite: GCEP 545 Cognitive Assessment. Co- or pre-requisite: GCEP 544 Academic Assessment

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GCEP 547 Personality and Behavioral Assessment

4 credit hours

This course will introduce the school psychology student to administration skills for assessments and evaluations in the areas of personality and behavior. Skills in interviewing, record review, observation, interpretation and assessment tools and checklists, and presentation of test results and recommendations for regular and special education students will be covered. For students in School Psychology programs only. No Prerequisites

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GCEP 548 Internship in School Psychology I

3 credit hours

The internship will be completed in a school system, with the goal of emphasizing the professional practice of school psychology. Students will be expected to complete a total of 1,200 hours over a two-semester internship (600 hours per semester) of school psychology practicum under supervision, provided weekly both at the site (individual) and at ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ (in groups). Pre-requisites: completion of all other coursework, exceptions by faculty advisor approval only. Students must have (a) completed all prerequisites with a B or better grade, and (b) attended the Internship Orientation (Prior Fall Semester). For students in School Psychology programs only.

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GCEP 549 Internship in School Psychology II

3 credit hours

The second internship will be a continuation of the first internship, and completed within the school system. It is designed to stress the professional practice of school psychology. Students will be expected to complete a total of 1,200 hours over a two-semester internship (600 hours per semester) of school psychology practicum under supervision, provided weekly both at the site (individual) and at ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ (in groups). Pre-requisite: GCEP 548, GCEP 558. (Students must have: (a) completed all prerequisites with a B grade or better and all program coursework [co-requisites allowed by faculty approval only], and (b) attended the Internship Orientation before enrolling in internship.) Co-Requisite: GCEP 559

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GCEP 550 Group Theory & Therapy

2 credit hours

The primary objective of this course is to teach group leadership theories and skills, and to help students understand how proper group processes and methods can contribute to clients' mental health. Students will learn group leadership, group dynamics, theories of group development, group treatment planning, group assessment, and ethical considerations related to group treatment. Students will also take part in a community-based group experience. This course is designed for Graduate School of Counseling students. Pre/Corequisite: GCEP 501.

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GCEP 551 Program Evaluation Research Designs

2 credit hours

This course teaches the tools needed to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs and policies. It assumes a basic familiarity with social science research methods and applies those methods to program evaluation. This course informs educational leaders in evaluation purpose, design, and methods for understanding the role of evaluation in program planning, implementation, and accountability. The course focuses on understanding the purposes of evaluation; the role of the evaluator; identification of questions; experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive, and exploratory designs; indicators of effectiveness; qualitative and quantitative data sources; modes of analysis; presentation of evaluation results; and the role of evaluation conclusions in organizational decision making. Prerequisites: GCEP 548 Internship in School Psychology I and GCEP 558 Treatment Planning. Co-requisites: GCEP 549 Internship in School Psychology II and GCEP 559 Treatment Planning.

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GCEP 554 Addictions

2 credit hours

This course examines theory, etiology, assessment, and treatment of addictive disorders in individual, marriage, couple, family, and group modalities. The course also provides insight into the collaborative nature of treatment in the field of addiction, providing opportunities for students to work with each other and professionals in the field to enhance knowledge of treatment interventions and treatment planning. This course is intended for Graduate Department of Counseling Students. Prerequisites for CMHC/MCFC students: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, and GCEP 540. Prerequisites for School Counseling student: GCEP 500 and GCEP 501.

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GCEP 558 School Psychology Portfolio I

1 credit hour

In this course, the student will complete the School Psychology Portfolio. This is a culmination project documenting the knowledge and applied skills in the 10 Domains of practice outlined by the National Association of School Psychologists. In part I, the student will focus on identifying case studies and documentation to demonstrate skills. For students in the School Psychology program only. Pass/No Pass. Corequisite GCEP 548.

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GCEP 559 School Psychology Portfolio II

1 credit hour

In this course, the student will complete the School Psychology Portfolio II. This is a culmination project documenting the knowledge and applied skill in the 10 Domains of practice outlined by the National Association of School Psychologists. For students in School Psychology programs only. Pass/ No Pass. Corequisite: GCEP 549. Additional course fee required.

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GCEP 561 Spirituality and Clinical Praxis

3 credit hours

This course examines both the content and process of the Christian faith as well as its implications for clinical practice. Explored are an introduction to spirituality in mental health, basic hermeneutics as applied to Christian Scripture, basic theological concepts, the relationship between theology and psychology, health and toxic faith systems, spiritual development, spiritual/religious assessment, the spiritual/religious orientation and value system of the therapist, and treatment interventions in the spiritual/religious realm. This course is intended for Graduate School of Counseling Students. Prerequisites for CMHC/MCFC students: GCEP 540. Prerequisites for School Counseling students: none.

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GCEP 566 Research Methods and Statistics

2 credit hours

Students will engage in all steps of the research process by participating in a collaborative research project that emphasizes the importance of research in the counseling profession, including work that informs evidenced-based practices in the field. Students participate in the ethical design, analysis, reporting, and evaluation of empirical research. Students will also learn to fundamentals of program evaluation, including needs assessments and strategies for program modification.

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GCEP 567 Cultural Foundations and Social Justice

3 credit hours

This course is intended to increase the student's understanding of the issues and dynamics in counseling across social and cultural lines. Students will explore the nature of society and culture and how these impact the counseling process. Students will examine several major spiritual traditions, with a view to understanding the implications for clinical practice with persons in these populations. Within each tradition, the following are explored: history and tradition; sacred writings; central doctrines; spiritual authority; faith communities; communal and personal disciplines/rituals; health/happiness and pathology; means of grace; social and cultural practice; relationship to creator/creation; gender, blood, and faith relationships; compare and contrast with Western Christian worldview; systemic analysis; and therapeutic implications. Attention will be given to developing understanding of gender, class, race, ethnicity, structure and roles within marriage and family work, and various lifestyles. This course is intended for Graduate Department of Counseling Students. Prerequisites for CMHC/MCFC students: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, and GCEP 540. Prerequisites for School Counseling student: GCEP 500 and GCEP 501.

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GCEP 568 Action Research Design I

1 credit hour

This course develops a basic understanding for the critical role data plays in school improvement efforts, and acquaints students with the conceptual and technical skills needed for designing and executing action research studies that professional school counselors can implement in classrooms and within the broader school system. Students gain an understanding of the following: data driven decision-making; methods for observing and recording behavior in school settings; problem definition and focus; data storage and retrieval systems; trustworthiness of action research, school visioning and improvement planning; and the role they play in a comprehensive school counseling plan. Emphasis is placed on defining and investigating problems that require the professional school counselor to implement strategies for improving their practice and student learning. Students are introduced to several levels of data usage and application, moving from state accountability requirements to mobilizing efforts to equalize access to high standards for all students. During this course students will complete a school profile, draft a critical question, create an action research design, submit an IRB, and conduct an initial literature review. This course is intended for students in School Counseling programs only; others by permission. Corequisite: GCEP 515. Must be taken concurrently.

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GCEP 569 Action Research Design II

1 credit hour

This course continues the development of a basic understanding for the critical role data plays in school improvement efforts, and acquaints students with the conceptual and technical skills needed for designing and executing action research studies that professional school counselors can implement in classrooms and within the broader school system. Students gain an understanding of the following: data driven decision-making; methods for observing and recording behavior in school settings; problem definition and focus; data storage and retrieval systems; and trustworthiness of action research, as well as school visioning and improvement planning and the role they play in a comprehensive school counseling plan. Emphasis is placed on defining and investigating problems that require the professional school counselor to implement strategies for improving their practice and student learning. Students are introduced to several levels of data usage and application, moving from state accountability requirements to mobilizing efforts to equalize access to high standards for all students. During this course students will continue work on the action research project begun in Action Research Design I, completing a literature review, gathering data, and presenting the results. This course is intended for students in School Counseling programs only; others by permission. Prerequisite: 568. Corequisite: GCEP 517. Must be taken concurrently.

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GCEP 570 Lifestyle and Career Development

2 credit hours

This course is a study of the foundational psychological and social issues related to career counseling. The following areas will be explored: lifestyle and career decision making process, career guidance programs for special populations, and future issue as it relates to the work place and the necessary skills to become a careerist. The integration of career counseling philosophy, methodologies, resources, and psychotherapy will be explored in the context of a total person approach. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling students only. Pre/Corequisite GCEP 501.

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GCEP 571 Tests and Assessments

2 credit hours

This course offers a study of the basic concepts and principles of psychological assessment, including historical factors influencing testing and test construction. Students will also learn the statistical language and theory related to measurement error, scales of measurement, measures of central tendency and variability, reliability and validity. Students will learn about a selected group of assessment instruments and their range of applications in the field. Critical evaluation of assessment instruments will be included as well. This course is intended for Graduate School of Counseling students.

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GCEP 578 Shame And Grace

1 credit hour

It is challenging to understand the difference between guilt, shame, and grace. It is also difficult to know then how to apply this to our spiritual lives, and yet harder to know how to apply this to someone else's life. This course is designed to inform the therapist about family shame, guilt, and grace. Definitions, characteristics, and change strategies for shame in clients, both individuals and families, will be discussed. Models of grace and healing for shame will be identified. There will be significant emphasis on the student's own experience of shame and grace. No Pre-Requisites

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GCEP 580 Play Therapy: Lifespan Applications

3 credit hours

This course will cover an introduction to the theory and practice of play therapy as a primary therapeutic approach when working with children in individual and family psychotherapy. The course is designed to prepare the student to effectively provide developmentally appropriate counseling for children, focusing on the development of a therapist-child relationship and utilization of play media in the systemic counseling process as a means to facilitate expression, self-understanding, and personal growth and development. Students will become familiar with play therapy theory techniques, therapeutic stages, ethical issues, and application. Observation of and experience in play therapy are an integral part of the course. This course is intended for CMHC and MCFC students only. Pre/Corequisite: GCEP 500, GCEP 540.

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GCEP 581 Filial Therapy

2 credit hours

This course covers an introduction to the theory and practice of filial therapy [specifically, the CPRT (Child-Parent Relationship Therapy) model], a play therapy-based parent training program. Filial therapy has been shown to be an empirically effective child and family therapy intervention. Parents are trained by experienced play therapists to be agents of therapeutic change in their children’s lives through the utilization of basic play therapy skills. These skills are employed in regularly scheduled parent-child structured play sessions in their own homes. How to train parents in the overall principles and methodology of child-centered play therapy is addressed. Prerequisite: GCEP 580 (Play Therapy) or approval from instructor.

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GCEP 582 Sandtray Therapy

1 credit hour

This course will cover an introduction to the theory and practice of sandtray therapy as psychotherapeutic approach and modality of play therapy when working with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and groups. Development of a therapist-client relationship and utilization of sandtray media in the counseling process is emphasized as a means to facilitate expression, self-understanding, and personal growth & development — for both the client and the counselor. Didactic and experiential methods are used. Prerequisite: GCEP 501 or equivalent

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GCEP 583 Special Topics in Play Therapy (e.g., Family Play Therapy, Group Play Therapy)

1 credit hour

Special topic in the field of play therapy. Examples include: Family Play Therapy, Group Play Therapy, Neurobiology of Trauma and Play Therapy, Advanced Play Therapy Theory, etc. Prerequisite: GCEP 501 or equivalent

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GCEP 585 Seminar In CMHC/MCFC

1-3 credit hour

A seminar involving a group of students with a professor studying a specially selected topic. Students are encouraged to submit suggestions for seminar topics to the department director. Such requests, as well as faculty interests and special opportunities, will be considered in arrangements for a seminar. Pre-Requisites vary.

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GCEP 587 Psychopharmacology

1 credit hour

This course intends to deepen the student's knowledge base regarding the complexities of the human experience by examining neurological functioning and its role in human distress and recovery. Specifically, it explores the interplay between neurobiology, the social environment, and pharmacological interventions, and its influence on cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning. The course offers an overview of neuroanatomy orienting the student to basic brain structure, advances in interpersonal neurobiology confirming the role of attachment relationships in brain development, and the role of interpersonal relationships and pharmacology in altering brain functioning. Recommended pre/corequisite: GCEP 530.

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GCEP 589 Clinical Practicum

2 credit hours

This course is designed to advance student understanding of theory as it related to clinical practice of counseling and therapy, including intake and assessment skills, the influence of the clinician, the development of interventions, crisis strategies, and treatment plans, consultation, file management, and the ethical treatment of clients, especially those from diverse and/or multicultural populations. Emphasis is placed on understanding the client(s) from systemic and developmental perspectives. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GCEP 500, GCEP 501, GCEP 510, GCEP 520, GCEP 530, GCEP 540, GCEP 550. GCEP 550 may be taken as a co-requisite. In addition, Clinical Mental Health students are required to have successfully taken GCEP 522 and Marriage Couple and Family students are required to have successfully taken GCEP 514 Couple Therapy. Students must have (a) completed all prerequisites with a grade of B or better, (b) applied and been accepted as an internship candidate, and (c) attended Internship Orientation. INT APP Milestone and approval of field placement is a prerequisite.

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GCEP 590 Practicum Continuation

1 credit hour

This course is a continuation of GCEP 589 Clinical Practicum. It is designed to advance student understanding of theory as it related to clinical practice of counseling and therapy, including intake and assessment skills, the influence of the clinician, the development of interventions, crisis strategies, and treatment plans, consultation, file management, and the ethical treatment of clients, especially those from diverse and/or multicultural populations. Emphasis is placed on understanding the client(s) from systemic and developmental perspectives.

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GCEP 591 Clinical Internship

1 credit hour

The clinical internship is the culminating field experience for students in the Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling programs. This course will be the experiential application of the counseling skills learned in earlier courses, with a focus on clinical, ethical and systemic conceptualization and practice. Students will have an on-site placement in a public or private mental health setting, with the goal of creating the necessary bridge between training and professionalism. The goal of these courses is the attainment of competency equivalent to that of an entry level professional mental health professional, and consists of the primary components of counseling practice under the direct clinical supervision of a site supervisor, and case consultation and supervision facilitated by a university instructor. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GCEP 567, INT APP Milestone. Corequisite: GCEP 589

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GCEP 592 Clinical Internship I

3 credit hours

The clinical internship is the culminating field experience for students in the Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling programs. This course will be the experiential application of the counseling skills learned in earlier courses, with a focus on clinical, ethical and systemic conceptualization and practice. Students will have an on-site placement in a public or private mental health setting, with the goal of creating the necessary bridge between training and professionalism. The goal of these courses is the attainment of competency equivalent to that of an entry level professional mental health professional, and consists of the primary components of counseling practice under the direct clinical supervision of a site supervisor, and case consultation and supervision facilitated by a university instructor. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GCEP 567, 589

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GCEP 593 Clinical Internship II

3 credit hours

The clinical internship is the culminating field experience for students in the Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling programs. This course will be the experiential application of the counseling skills learned in earlier courses, with a focus on clinical, ethical and systemic conceptualization and practice. Students will have an on-site placement in a public or private mental health setting, with the goal of creating the necessary bridge between training and professionalism. The goal of these courses is the attainment of competency equivalent to that of an entry level professional mental health professional, and consists of the primary components of counseling practice under the direct clinical supervision of a site supervisor, and case consultation and supervision facilitated by a university instructor. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling programs students only. Pass/No Pass. Pre-Requisite: GCEP 524 and GCEP 592. Co-Requisite: GCEP 598 and GCEP 600

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GCEP 594 Clinical Internship

2 credit hours

The clinical internship is the culminating field experience for students in the Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling programs. This course will be the experiential application of the counseling skills learned in earlier courses, with a focus on clinical, ethical and systemic conceptualization and practice. Students will have an on-site placement in a public or private mental health setting, with the goal of creating the necessary bridge between training and professionalism. The goal of these courses is the attainment of competency equivalent to that of an entry level professional mental health professional, and consists of the primary components of counseling practice under the direct clinical supervision of a site supervisor, and case consultation and supervision facilitated by a university instructor. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GCEP 598.

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GCEP 595 Special Study In

.5-3 credit hou

A specially designed and individually tailored course of research involving in-depth study of a particular question, problem, or issue presented by the student. The student must make application for the study prior to registration for the semester in which the study will be carried out. The application must be approved by both the faculty member overseeing the study and the department chair.

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GCEP 596 Treatment Planning

1 credit hour

This course runs concurrently with GCEP 591 Clinical Internship I, and focuses on the development and implementation of treatment plans, reporting and assessing progress of treatment, appropriate referral procedures, and consultation. This course considers traditional and contemporary approaches to assessment, treatment planning, and intervention based in biopsychosocial systems and evidence-based interventions. It is expected that case conceptualization and treatment plans be consistent with diagnosis [DSM-IV-TR] and the counselor's theoretical orientation. The goal is to assist student interns with the development of advanced clinical counseling and case conceptualization skills that are consistent with sound clinical, ethical, and systemic practice. sor, and case consultation and supervision facilitated by a university instructor. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass.

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GCEP 597 Treatment Planning I

1 credit hour

This course runs concurrently with GCEP 592 Clinical Internship I, and focuses on the development and implementation of treatment plans, reporting and assessing progress of treatment, appropriate referral procedures, and consultation. This course considers traditional and contemporary approaches to assessment, treatment planning, and intervention based in biopsychosocial systems and evidence-based interventions. It is expected that case conceptualization and treatment plans be consistent with diagnosis [DSM-V-TR] and the counselor's theoretical orientation. The goal is to assist student interns with the development of advanced clinical counseling and case conceptualization skills that are consistent with sound clinical, ethical, and systemic practice. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Co-Requisite: GCEP 592

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GCEP 598 Treatment Planning II

1 credit hour

This course runs concurrently with GCEP 593 Clinical Internship I, and focuses on the development and implementation of treatment plans, reporting and assessing progress of treatment, appropriate referral procedures, and consultation. This course considers traditional and contemporary approaches to assessment, treatment planning, and intervention based in biopsychosocial systems and evidence-based interventions. It is expected that case conceptualization and treatment plans be consistent with diagnosis [DSM-IV-TR] and the counselor's theoretical orientation. The goal is to assist student interns with the development of advanced clinical counseling and case conceptualization skills that are consistent with sound clinical, ethical, and systemic practice. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Co-Requisite: GCEP 593

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GCEP 599 Treatment Planning

1 credit hour

This course runs concurrently with GCEP 591 Clinical Internship I, and focuses on the development and implementation of treatment plans, reporting and assessing progress of treatment, appropriate referral procedures, and consultation. This course considers traditional and contemporary approaches to assessment, treatment planning, and intervention based in biopsychosocial systems and evidence-based interventions. It is expected that case conceptualization and treatment plans be consistent with diagnosis [DSM-V-TR] and the counselor's theoretical orientation. The goal is to assist student interns with the development of advanced clinical counseling and case conceptualization skills that are consistent with sound clinical, ethical, and systemic practice. This course is intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Co-Requisite: GCEP 591

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GCEP 600 Clinical Portfolio

1 credit hour

This course involves development of a culminating graduate-level clinical thesis, built upon the internship experience and previous courses. Concurrent with the student's final semester of internship, this multidimensional clinical project involves the student demonstrating perceptual, conceptual, and executive skills¿demonstrating minimum practice standards in the legal, ethical and effective treatment of clients. Students are expected to prepare a comprehensive paper detailing their primary theoretical orientation, including perspective of the nature of persons, change and dysfunction, as well as the therapeutic process. Additionally, the portfolio includes video, session transcripts, psychosocial assessment, and written reflection which will be reviewed by the instructor and a licensed mental health professional in the community. Intended for Clinical Mental Health and Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling students only. Pass/No Pass. Co-Requisite: GCEP 593.

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