Readmission Following Withdrawal
Readmission after withdrawal from the university requires reapplication through the admissions office, and is subject to the approval of the registrar and/or the director of admissions, and in some cases the dean of students.
Students who readmit following withdrawal are subject to the program requirements of the catalog under which they reenter. In some cases the enrollment manager and department chair(s) may approve that the student remain under their original catalog requirements. Students may petition to remain under their original catalog requirements only after readmission to the university.
For traditional undergraduate students within 10 credits of finishing a bachelor's degree, transfer coursework may be accepted to complete degree requirements under the student's original catalog requirements rather than requiring readmission if the student meets all the following criteria:
- The last semester attended in residence at 性世界传媒 was no more than five years ago.
- The university residency requirement will be met (20 of the last 30 semester hours completed at 性世界传媒).