
ARTD Course Descriptions

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ARTD 110 Creative Suite

3 credit hours

This course is an introduction to industry-standard graphic design applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. Additional course fee required.

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ARTD 220 Typography

3 credit hours

An introduction to typography including type history, typefaces, type selection, layout, the use of type in effective designs, and creative approaches to using type. Additional course fee required. Prerequisite: ARTD 110 Creative Suite

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ARTD 250 Print and Packaging

3 credit hours

A focused study of design for printed 2D and 3D objects. Topics include project ideation, paper qualities, technical execution, working with print templates, document preparation, and the creation of production-ready work. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 220 Tyopgraphy

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ARTD 260 Graphic Design I

3 credit hours

This course offers an introduction to graphic design by combining studio work with classroom instruction. Fundamental components of the design process are incorporated to provide students with a robust experience in ideation, research execution, and presentation of projects. Advanced uses of Creative Suite, digital tools and other emerging software and technologies will be explored. Additional course fee required. Prerequisite: ARTD 110 Creative Suite.

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ARTD 270 Web Design I

3 credit hours

An introduction to web design that covers content, design, and front-end web development, including HTML, CSS, and standard user interface models. Students will review best practices in visual communication and engage in hand-coding while exploring site production methods, design models and creating functional web pages. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 110 Creative Suite

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ARTD 285 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

Additional course fee required.

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ARTD 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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ARTD 360 Illustration I

3 credit hours

This course is a study of personal styles and professional illustration skills in a graphic design and commercial context. Students will learn the technical processes of research and image creation as they apply to story telling in commercial applications. Prerequisites: ARTS 111 Drawing I, ARTD 110 Creative Suite. Additional course fee is required.

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ARTD 363 History of Visual Communication

3 credit hours

This course surveys graphic communication through history, and the impact of technology on the visual qualities of graphic design, advertising, fashion, media, architecture and industrial design. Beginning with prehistoric petroglyphs and concluding with the World Wide Web, this course will examine how culture shapes the practice of graphic design as well as how design shapes its corresponding culture. Additional course fee required.

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ARTD 380 Graphic Design II

3 credit hours

An advanced examination of the variety of structures, processes, and methods designers use to create ideas, overcome obstacles, and engage audiences. Through embracing advanced methods of design thinking, problem identification, creative strategy, ethnography, and research methods students explore a variety of approaches to ideation and creation. Additional Course fee required.

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ARTD 383 UI/UX Design

3 credit hours

This course focuses on the design for interactive objects and experiences. Topics include navigation, information architecture, user experience, development of effective interfaces, and kinetic design. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 220 Typography

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ARTD 393 Design in Practice

2-3 credit hour

This course prepares students for an internship or professional experience that will follow this course as a dynamic program graduation requirement. Additionally, students will gain exposure to common business practices such as the development of contracts, estimates, invoices, accounting, promotion, and project management. Prerequisite: Junior status or instructor approval.

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ARTD 405 Portfolio Development

2 credit hours

This course focuses on the organization and preparation of a portfolio showcasing a student's creative work in preparation for employment in the field of design. Students will explore visual composition and organization, document assembly methods, and various reproduction image management techniques. Computer photo editing and printing are used to create a paper and digital portfolio. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: Declared Art and Design major/minor with Junior or Senior status, or by instructor permission. Course may be taken twice for up to 4 credits total.

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ARTD 453 Systems, Identity, and Branding

3 credit hours

In this exploration of visual thinking and systematic approaches to graphic design including brand development, identity systems and generative design methods, students will develop, design and present projects with clear communicative goals. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 220 Typography.

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ARTD 461 Illustration II

3 credit hours

Applied illustration projects that allow for exploration of approaches to design across a variety of self-selected media. Students in this course are encouraged to develop a personal approach to illustration through a process of research, making, evaluating, presenting, and reflecting on their work. Creative strategy, content, technique, media, and subject matter will vary based on the semester and the students. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 360: Illustration I.

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ARTD 462 Dimensional Illustration

3 credit hours

This course explores the creation of new media imagery in multi-dimensional digital space including 3D and 4D approaches to illustration. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 110 Creative Suite and ARTD 360 Illustration I.

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ARTD 471 Web Design II

3 credit hours

This course builds on the content from web design I and offer a particular focus on responsive design that translates between screen sizes and devices. Students will critically examine the structure and functionality of traditional websites, learn advanced techniques, challenge common practices while proposing alternative models, and engage in the development of multi-page websites. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 270 Web Design I.

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ARTD 475 Design Internship

3 credit hours

The student will engage in a career-related Internships for Design which provides on-site work at an approved business or organization site. Prerequisite: instructor's permission. Course can be taken up to three times for a total of 9 elective credit hours. Pass/No Pass.

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ARTD 481 Collaborative Design I

3 credit hours

Applied design projects that allow students to work collaboratively with regional clients. Within this course, students will work in teams as they move projects from concept and quote to preparation for production. Designers will develop work across a variety of media and learn to manage client relationships while producing work that meets the needs of real audiences. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: Junior Status.

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ARTD 482 Collaborative Design II

3 credit hours

A revisitation of Collaborative Design I with the increased expectation of leadership and creative direction of teams. Students will operate as creative directors, leading teams of fellow students as they explore leadership, ideation, and collaboration strategies. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ARTD 481: Collaborative Design I.

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ARTD 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

Additional course fee required.

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ARTD 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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