
ENGE Course Descriptions

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ENGE 220 Digital Logic Design

4 credit hours

Introduction to digital systems and binary codes; Boolean algebra and digital logic devices; combinational logic circuits and design methods; ROM and RAM memory elements; sequential logic circuits and design methods. Laboratory experience includes TTL logic circuits and CAD tools. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGR 152 Engineering Principles II or CSIS 201 Introduction to Computer Science I.

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ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis

4 credit hours

Basic concepts of DC and AC electrical circuits are covered, as are voltage-current relationships for circuit elements, Kirchhoff's laws, and Th茅venin and Norton theorems. Includes basic transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis; frequency domain analysis; frequency response, resonance and measurement concepts. Applications of the operational amplifier. Analysis and design aided by circuit simulation software. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGR 152 Engineering Principles II, MATH 311 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra and PHYS 212 General Physics with Calculus II.

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ENGE 260 Circuits and Instrumentation

4 credit hours

An introduction to DC and AC circuit theory, electronics, and instrumentation. Specific areas of study include Ohm鈥檚 law, basic circuit analysis techniques, electrical power, motor selection, circuit simulation software, measurement methods, various types of instrumentation devices, and data acquisition. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGR 152 Engineering Principles II and PHYS 212 General Physics with Calculus II.

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ENGE 270 Electric Power Systems

3 credit hours

This course is an introduction to electrical power systems, with a focus on power generation, transmission, and loads. AC and DC electric machines, transformers, power transmission lines, and three phase power systems are discussed. Includes phasor analysis, rms signals and power factor. Additional course fee is required. Corequisite: ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis. Prerequisite: PHYS 212 General Physics with Calculus II.

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ENGE 275 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This introductory experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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ENGE 285 Special Topic

1-3 credit hour

An introductory seminar offered on an occasional basis addressing a current topic in the field that is of special interest to students and current faculty. Additional course fee required.

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ENGE 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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ENGE 300 C Programming with Applications

3 credit hours

Introduction to the C programming language as a means to perform low-level access and control of hardware with a high-level language. Custom software applications, portability issues, application of pointers, and introduction to data structures. Applications to engineering problems, including data acquisition and control systems. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 220 Digital Logic Design.

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ENGE 311 Electronic Devices and Circuits

4 credit hours

Introduction to the terminal characteristics of active semiconductor devices. Operation and small-signal models of diodes, junction and field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers. Basic single-stage and multistage amplifiers: gain, biasing, and frequency response. Switching characteristics of transistors in saturation and cutoff. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 220 Digital Logic Design and ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis.

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ENGE 312 Applications of Electronic Devices

4 credit hours

Analog and digital applications of electronic devices: amplifiers, oscillators, filters, modulators, logic circuits, and memory elements. Feedback, stability, and noise considerations. Emphasis on practical design problems and the formulation of design objectives. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGE 311 Electronic Devices and Circuits and ENGE 330 Electrical Signals and Networks.

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ENGE 320 Microprocessor Architecture

4 credit hours

This course teaches students fundamental knowledge in microprocessor architecture. Course topics include microcomputer architecture, assembly language and higher-level programming, I/O programming, data communications, data acquisition systems, memory interfacing and memory architecture. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: CSIS 202 Introduction to Computer Science II and CSIS 310 Data Structures or ENGE 220 Digital Logic Design.

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ENGE 330 Electrical Signals and Networks

4 credit hours

Fundamental concepts of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems are covered. Topics covered include linear time-invariant systems, the convolution integral and impulse response; Fourier series and frequency domain analysis; Fourier and Laplace techniques; principles of sampling and modulation; theoretical and practical aspects of electrical networks; loop and nodal analysis of multi-port networks; admittance, impedance, and transmission parameters; and matrix solutions. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis and MATH 301 Calculus III.

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ENGE 350 Electrical Network Analysis

3 credit hours

Theoretical and practical aspects of electrical networks. Loop and nodal analysis of multi-port networks. Admittance, impedance, and transmission parameters; matrix solutions. Butterworth, Chebyshev, and other useful network response functions; network theorems. Synthesis of passive and active networks. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis.

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ENGE 360 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

3 credit hours

Theoretical study of static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields. Gauss' law and the static electric field; boundary value problems in electrostatics. Effects of dielectric and magnetic media properties. Magnetostatics; Faraday's law and applications. Maxwell's equations for time-varying fields; wave propagation; Poynting's theorem. Numerical methods and computer simulation tools in electromagnetics are introduced. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 250 Electrical Circuit Analysis and MATH 301 Calculus III.

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ENGE 399 Cross-Cultural Experience

3 credit hours

This course offers in-depth discipline specific cross-cultural study designed to enhance the intercultural emphasis of various academic majors. The course includes class meetings followed by travel to various locations throughout the world. Students will use core disciplinary knowledge to serve, learn and interact with other cultures. (Offered in May Term. Students must meet eligibility requirements.) Additional course fee is required.

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ENGE 410 Digital System Design

3 credit hours

Practical aspects of digital design with Hardware Description Languages including the design, construction, and testing of significant digital subsystems. Explorations of advanced digital design concepts such as timing-driven synthesis, integration of intellectual property and design for reuse. Extensive use is made of computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools and Field-Programmable-Gate-Array (FPGA) technology in course assignments. Two lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGE 420 Microprocessors.

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ENGE 420 Embedded System Design

3 credit hours

This course teaches students how to design and manufacture microcontroller-based embedded computer systems. Course topics include printed circuit board design and fabrication, I/O interface design, I/O peripheral devices, and data communication interfaces. Real-time operating systems and their integration into an embedded system will be examined. Design projects involve the construction and programming of a microcontroller-based embedded system. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 311 Electronic Devices and Circuits and ENGE 320 Microprocessor Architecture.

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ENGE 430 Communication Systems

3 credit hours

Introduction to analog and digital communications theory and applications. Topics include encoding, modulation and multiplexing techniques, spectral analysis, transmission line effects, noise analysis and filtering, multiple-channel and fiber optic communications, telecommunication systems, and data communications applications. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGE 330 Electrical Signals and Networks.

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ENGE 460 Microwave Engineering and Applications

3 credit hours

Study of microwave circuits, devices, and techniques as applied to cellular communications and other modern systems. Propagation and reflection on ideal and lossy transmission media. Smith chart and S-parameter tools. Strip lines, microstrip and coplanar lines, and cross talk. Analysis and design of microstrip circuits. Introduction to antenna fundamentals. Includes computer and laboratory exercises. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 312 Applications of Electronic Devices and ENGE 360 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves.

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ENGE 470 Power Electronics and Renewable Energy

3 credit hours

This course is an introduction to DC-DC converters, rectifiers, inverters, and electrical renewable energy sources. Power electronics switch characterization is discussed and a renewable energy project is integral to the course. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisites: ENGE 270 Electrical Power Systems and ENGE 312 Applications of Electronic Devices.

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ENGE 475 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This advanced experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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ENGE 480 Digital Signal Processing

3 credit hours

Sampling as a modulation process, aliasing, the sampling theorem, the Z-transform and discrete-time system analysis, direct and computer-aided design of recursive and nonrecursive digital filters, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), digital filtering using the FFT, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, effects of quantization and finite-word-length arithmetic. Additional course fee is required. Prerequisite: ENGE 312 Applications of Electronic Devices.

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ENGE 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

An advanced seminar offered on an occasional basis addressing a current topic in the field that is of special interest to students and current faculty. Additional course fee required.

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ENGE 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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