
GEED Course Descriptions

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GEED 130 First Year Seminar

1 credit hour

Members of the entire entering freshman class select a small seminar-style topical course for the first ten weeks of their first semester, meeting weekly with an advisor and a returning student peer advisor. Selected topics and issues introduce students comfortably to the academic and social life of the university community. Required of all first-time freshmen. Pass/Fail.

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GEED 170 Freshman Honors Seminar

1 credit hour

Members of the entering freshman class who are invited to apply for honors at admission, and whose applications are accepted, take this seminar in the middle five weeks of fall semester. Students are introduced to the interdisciplinary pursuit of knowledge at the university level, examining a current public issue from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives, using creative class activities and assignments. Students who earn an excellent rating are eligible to continue in the University Scholars program. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: admission as an incoming freshman to the University Scholars program.

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GEED 271 Honors Colloquium

1 credit hour

Investigation of a variety of issues and subjects from a broad interdisciplinary perspective, through readings, discussions, creative activities, excursions, and written projects. Typically team-taught by faculty from different disciplines, over the course of a year the student uses the methods and frames of reference of nearly every discipline in the liberal arts curriculum to learn about several engaging topics. Class activities are designed to prepare students to do interdisciplinary University Scholars projects during their junior year. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: admission to the University Scholars program and at least sophomore status.

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GEED 272 Honors Colloquium

1 credit hour

Investigation of a variety of issues and subjects from a broad interdisciplinary perspective, through readings, discussions, creative activities, excursions, and written projects. Typically team-taught by faculty from different disciplines, over the course of a year the student uses the methods and frames of reference of nearly every discipline in the liberal arts curriculum to learn about several engaging topics. Class activities are designed to prepare students to do interdisciplinary University Scholars projects during their junior year. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: GEED 271 Honors Colloquium I, admission to the University Scholars program, and at least sophomore status.

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GEED 275 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This introductory experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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GEED 285 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A variety of topics may be offered to meet the special needs and interests of students, faculty, or visiting professors.

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GEED 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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GEED 335 International Service Learning

3 credit hours

This course is attached to an International Service Learning experience of at least one week duration. During preparatory class meetings, the history background, cultural differences, and service skills of the service learning experience will be discussed. The concept of cultural humility will be reinforced through experiential learning, group debrief sessions, and continual reflection during and after the experience, although the travel itself is separate from this course. Instructor permission required.

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GEED 355 Cross-Cultural Experience - Domestic

2 credit hours

This course offers cross-cultural study designed to prepare and enhance the intercultural and international awareness of our campus community and to gain appreciation for various cultural perspectives different from the students' own. Each individual course includes in-depth study from a variety of perspectives, such as the fine arts, religion, language, natural or behavioral science or history. The course includes class meetings and is a requirement to participate in GEED 455, the actual travel to locations throughout the U.S.. Students must meet the Juniors Abroad eligibility requirements. Additional course fee is required.

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GEED 365 Cross-Cultural Experience - International

2 credit hours

This course offers cross-cultural study designed to prepare and enhance the intercultural and international awareness of our campus community and to gain appreciation for various cultural perspectives different from the students' own. Each individual course includes in-depth study from a variety of perspectives, such as the fine arts, religion, language, natural or behavioral science or history. The course includes class meetings and is a requirement to participate in GEED 465, the actual travel to locations throughout the world. Students must meet the Juniors Abroad eligibility requirements. Additional course fee is required.

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GEED 371 University Scholars Projects

1 credit hour

In conjunction with an upper-division course of the student's choosing, the student proposes a significant interdisciplinary research project. Once approved by the professor of the home course and the USP director, the student completes the project under the supervision of a senior peer mentor, publicly presents the project results, and submits the project to the undergraduate academic journal. Prerequisites: GEED 271 Honors Colloquium I, GEED 272 Honors Colloquium II, and permission of the USP director.

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GEED 372 University Scholars Projects

1 credit hour

In conjunction with an upper-division course of the student's choosing, the student proposes a significant interdisciplinary research project. Once approved by the professor of the home course and the USP director, the student completes the project under the supervision of a senior peer mentor, publicly presents the project results, and submits the project to the undergraduate academic journal. Prerequisites: GEED 371 University Scholars Projects I, and permission of the USP director.

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GEED 375 Cultural Field Experience

1-12 credit hou

Supervised experience in a cultural setting that contributes to the educational goals of the student. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: permission of advisor and the academic dean.

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GEED 399 Cross-Cultural Experience

3 credit hours

This course offers in-depth discipline specific cross-cultural study designed to enhance the intercultural emphasis of various academic majors. The course includes class meetings followed by travel to various locations throughout the world. Students will use core disciplinary knowledge to serve, learn and interact with other cultures. (Offered in May Term. Students must meet eligibility requirements.) Additional course fee is required.

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GEED 455 Cross-Cultural Experience - Domestic

1 credit hour

Students will travel on an approximately three week tours to various locations throughout the U.S.. This is an experiential course, which includes interaction with the local culture through informal and formal contacts. (Offered May Term through the Juniors Abroad program.). Prerequisite: GEED 355

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GEED 465 Cross-Cultural Experience - International

1 credit hour

Students will travel on an approximately three week tours to various locations throughout the world. This is an experiential course, which includes interaction with the local culture through informal and formal contacts. (Offered May Term through the Juniors Abroad program.). Prerequisite: GEED 365

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GEED 471 Undergraduate Academic Journal I

1 credit hour

Service on the editorial committee, or as a senior editor, of the Undergraduate Academic Journal. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GEED 371 University Scholars Projects I, GEED 372 University Scholars Projects II, and permission of the USP director.

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GEED 472 Undergraduate Academic Journal II

1 credit hour

Service on the editorial committee, or as a senior editor, of the Undergraduate Academic Journal. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisites: GEED 471 Undergraduate Undergraduate Academic Journal I and permission of the USP director.

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GEED 475 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This advanced experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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GEED 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A variety of topics may be offered to meet the special needs and interests of students, faculty, or visiting professors.

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GEED 490 Liberal Arts and Critical Issues

3 credit hours

An advanced liberal arts course integrating the varied strands of general education in a rich capstone integrative common experience. Students will be challenged to develop coherence in a Christian worldview, deepen their understanding of how we know truth about the world around us and our moral duty in it, practice taking an interdisciplinary approach to basic problems of human existence, and develop as potential Christ-like leaders in public issues. Specific topics to be explored vary from semester to semester.

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GEED 495 Individualized study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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