HHPA Course Descriptions
Table of Contents
HHPA 109 Ballroom Dancing
1 credit hour
Instruction in basic to intermediate steps and etiquette in ballroom dance including 6 count and 8 count swing, fox-trot, waltz, and tango.
HHPA 120 Lifelong Fitness
2 credit hours
Students in this course will learn to think critically about their personal health and wellness in the context of Christian commitment. They will learn scientific principles of aerobic conditioning and weight training. Popular lifetime fitness activities will be introduced. Special emphasis will be placed on developing and maintaining lifestyle habits that optimize well-being. (May not be repeated for credit.)
HHPA 145 Intercollegiate Athletics
1 credit hour
Credits may be earned by student athletes for participation in Intercollegiate Athletics while at 性世界传媒. The student athlete may earn one credit per sport per year for team participation for a maximum of 4 credits per sport up to a total of eight credits (for the multi-sport athlete) over the student athlete's career. For sports that overlap semesters (basketball, golf, swimming, tennis, etc.) student athletes can earn .5 credits per semester for a maximum of 4 credits per sport. Once past the add/drop date student athletes cannot petition to add the credit. Students receive Pass/No Pass for participation.
HHPA 185 Selected Topics
1 credit hour
A seminar dealing with various topics, as announced, that represent current faculty interests and competencies.
HHPA 285 Selected Topics
1 credit hour
A seminar dealing with various topics, as announced, that represent current faculty interests and competencies.
HHPA 295 Individualized Study
1-3 credit hour
Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.
HHPA 309 Ballroom Dancing
1 credit hour
Instruction in basic to intermediate steps and etiquette in ballroom dance including 6 count and 8 count swing, fox-trot, waltz, and tango.
HHPA 345 Intercollegiate Athletics
1 credit hour
Credits may be earned by student athletes for participation in Intercollegiate Athletics while at 性世界传媒. The student athlete may earn one credit per sport per year for team participation for a maximum of 4 credits per sport up to a total of eight credits (for the multi-sport athlete) over the student athlete's career. For sports that overlap semesters (basketball, golf, swimming, tennis, etc.) student athletes can earn .5 credits per semester for a maximum of 4 credits per sport. Once past the add/drop date student athletes cannot petition to add the credit. Students receive Pass/No Pass for participation.
HHPA 385 Selected Topics
1 credit hour
A seminar dealing with various topics, as announced, that represent current faculty interests and competencies.
HHPA 485 Selected Topics
1 credit hour
A seminar dealing with various topics, as announced, that represent current faculty interests and competencies.
HHPA 495 Individualized Study
1-3 credit hour
Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.