
HLTH Course Descriptions

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HLTH 210 Drug Education

2 credit hours

Issues concerned with the use, misuse, and abuse of selected pharmacological agents. Social, psychological, physical, and moral implications are considered. Particular consideration is given to ergogenic aids in athletics.

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HLTH 223 Sociology of Families

3 credit hours

A study of marriage and the family from a sociological perspective, including historical, cross-cultural, and economic backgrounds. A Christian faith perspective will emphasize the worth of people, the importance of the family as a place of nurture, and the gift of marriage. (SOCI 223 and HLTH 223 are identical)

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HLTH 230 First Aid and Safety

1 credit hour

Instruction in first aid and safety and leading to certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR). Additional course fee is required.

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HLTH 240 Stress Management

3 credit hours

A study of causes, symptoms, and results of stress. Introduces practical techniques to alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

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HLTH 285 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A seminar dealing with various topics as announced that represent current faculty interests and competencies.

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HLTH 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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HLTH 300 Nutrition

3 credit hours

A study of nutrients present in food and their relation to the nutritive needs of the human body. Emphasis on the young adult, along with discussion of contemporary nutrition-related topics of national and global concern. Computer-assisted dietary analysis included.

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HLTH 320 Contemporary Health Issues

3 credit hours

A study of our nation's current health problems and concerns. Emphasis on health consumerism and current trends, diseases, the sanctity of life, and fitness. Goal is to develop an educated view on current health issues.

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HLTH 475 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This advanced experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course. Pass/No Pass. Prerequisite: instructor's permission.

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HLTH 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A seminar dealing with various topics as announced that represent current faculty interests and competencies.

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HLTH 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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