
JOUR Course Descriptions

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JOUR 200 Persuasive Communication

3 credit hours

A presentation of key principles of persuasion as they are reflected in typical organizational communication contexts. Focus on developing a planning sequence that will function as a practical guide for designing, executing, and evaluating communication events. Students will be expected to develop a "real world" communication event, e.g., publicity campaign, speech, newsletter. Prerequisite: COMM 111 Communication in Society or equivalent.

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JOUR 210 Practical Grammar and Editing

3 credit hours

This course helps those who want to understand and to be able to explain to others what can be done to make writing correct, clear, and precise. Focuses on constructing, editing, and correcting sentences and paragraphs. This is not a remedial course.

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JOUR 230 Introduction to Journalism

3 credit hours

A course designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience in reporting, writing, and editing news for the print media. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.

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JOUR 240 Introduction to Public Relations

3 credit hours

A course designed to introduce and develop a clear concept of public relations as a communication profession. Topics to be covered include the function of public relations in both public and private enterprises; the process of planning and implementing a public relations communication campaign; techniques for communicating with various publics; and the laws and ethics governing the practice of public relations.

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JOUR 275 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Experience in supervised field situations, generally off campus, involving extensive communication activity. Admission to course and amount of credit determined by the faculty supervisor. Pass/No Pass.

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JOUR 285 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A variety of topics may be offered that reflect the interests of faculty, visiting professors and students.

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JOUR 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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JOUR 310 Professional Writing

3 credit hours

This course explores trends in media convergence, focusing as well on the ways reporters, editors, and designers create stories for the web. Particular emphasis will be on web-based story design, the coordination of text and art, and the creation of stories for a variety of new media outlets. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.

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JOUR 330 Magazine and Feature Writing

3 credit hours

A workshop approach to writing feature articles and other shorter nonfiction forms for periodicals. Student-produced material is submitted to various publications as part of course expectations. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.

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JOUR 470 Journalism II

3 credit hours

Students hone journalistic skills in areas such as interviewing techniques, cultivating sources, investigative reporting, and editing and layout. Prerequisite: JOUR/WRIT 230 Introduction to Journalism or instructor's permission.

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JOUR 475 Field Experience

1-3 credit hour

Experience in supervised field situations, generally off campus, involving extensive communication activity. Admission to course and amount of credit determined by the faculty supervisor. Pass/No Pass.

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JOUR 480 Senior Capstone: Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of Communication

3 credit hours

Designed to integrate skills and concepts from communication course work with ethical and spiritual principles through readings, written assignments, and assessment instruments. Students will complete portfolios that will include work samples and department exit exams along with a statement of what it means to be a Christian communicator. A service component may be included as part of the course.

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JOUR 485 Selected Topics

1-3 credit hour

A variety of topics may be offered that reflect the interests of faculty, visiting professors and students.

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JOUR 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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