
MGMT Course Descriptions

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MGMT 200 Leadership and Character

3 credit hours

This course is focused on the character of leadership. Opportunities to understand the essence of character such as attitude, empathy, respect, courage, perseverance, honesty, appreciation, composure, gratitude, tolerance, sacrifice, and self-awareness are woven throughout the course. These topics and more will be explored by studying historic and current leaders, real-life case studies to understand their situations and their character in action.

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MGMT 260 Principles of Management

3 credit hours

A study of the theory and practice of management. The course involves discussion and application of areas such as social responsibility, strategy, problem solving, communication, change, job performance, and financial/operational controls. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BUSN 110 Introduction to Business.

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MGMT 275 Field Experience

1-6 credit hour

Supervised experiences in businesses, nonprofit organizations, and public agencies. Pass/No Pass.

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MGMT 285 Selected Topics in Management

1-4 credit hour

Occasional special courses chosen to fit the interests and needs of students and faculty.

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MGMT 295 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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MGMT 300 Leading and Managing People

3 credit hours

This course recognizes that managers are also called upon to be leaders. The differences between a leader and manager will be discussed with focus on effective leadership and management skills, philosophies and orientations. Prerequisite: MGMT 260 Principles of Management.

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MGMT 310 Project Management

3 credit hours

This course will prepare students to skillfully use fundamental project management concepts and behavioral skills to effectively plan and lead project work. Specifically, through practical, hands-on work, case studies, and exercises, students will learn to manage project resources, schedules, tasks, time/cost tradeoffs, risks, and scope to produce desired organizational outcomes. Importantly, since most project teams are comprised of internal and external resources which are often distributed geographically, students will become knowledgeable and skillful at recognizing and overcoming the challenges of leading distributed teams. In short, this course will provide a sense of confidence with planning and oversight throughout all phases of a project's life cycle.

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MGMT 350 Human Resource Management

3 credit hours

This course explores the role and function of HR Management in organizations. Focus for the course will surround human resource management, compliance, selection, compensation, etc. Prerequisites: MGMT 260 Principles of Management

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MGMT 400 Business Development and Sales

3 credit hours

In this class, the emphasis is placed on the integration and relationships of sales in the various areas of business and our everyday relationships. Students learn how to recognize the influence of sales and engage in the sales process. The process, procedures, and best practices of business to business sales will be taught in order to empower students to successfully sell throughout their career, regardless of their chosen career path. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the integration of Christian faith, practice, and ethics in sales. Focus will also be placed upon building and stewarding healthy relationships in regard to sales. This course will explore where and why sales permeate business, how to engage and practice the sales cycle, and how to have a successful career in business to business sales through the utilization of best practices and Christian faith.

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MGMT 450 Operations Management

3 credit hours

This course examines the basic principles of managing the production and distribution of goods and services. The course provides frameworks and tools to target and implement improvements in business processes. Prerequisites: MGMT 260 Principles of Management and college level statistics course 200 level or higher. Students who've taken PSYC 240 must also complete MATH 150 or higher, or have a SAT math score of 620 or higher or have an ACT score of 28 or higher.

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MGMT 475 Field Experience

1-6 credit hour

Supervised experiences in businesses, nonprofit organizations, and public agencies.

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MGMT 480 Organizational Behavior

3 credit hours

This course examines the complex and dynamic interactions of people and organizations in society. Particular focus will be on organizational theory, human perception, motivation, group dynamics, power, conflict, culture, leadership, organizational development, and managing change. Prerequisite: MGMT 260 Principles of Management.

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MGMT 485 Selected Topics in Management

1-4 credit hour

Occasional special courses chosen to fit the interests and needs of students and faculty.

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MGMT 495 Individualized Study

1-3 credit hour

Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.

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