WRIT Course Descriptions
Table of Contents
- WRIT 100 English Skills
- WRIT 103 Individualized English Skills
- WRIT 110 College Writing
- WRIT 111 Caring for Words
- WRIT 200 Studies in Writing
- WRIT 210 Practical Grammar and Editing
- WRIT 230 Introduction to Journalism
- WRIT 240 Technical Writing
- WRIT 250 Creative Nonfiction
- WRIT 275 Field Experience
- WRIT 285 Selected Topics
- WRIT 290 Professional Seminar
- WRIT 310 Professional Writing
- WRIT 330 Magazine and Feature Writing
- WRIT 350 Composition Theory
- WRIT 360 Writing Fiction
- WRIT 370 Writing Poetry
- WRIT 390 Playwriting
- WRIT 399 Cross-Cultural Experience
- WRIT 465 Advanced Studies in Creative Writing
- WRIT 470 Journalism II
- WRIT 475 Field Experience
- WRIT 485 Selected Topics
- WRIT 490 Senior Experience
- WRIT 495 Individualized Study
WRIT 100 English Skills
3 credit hours
A course to develop collegiate-level learning and written communication skills, focusing on reading speed and comprehension, vocabulary development, and a review of the standards of sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and usage.
Prerequisite: By placement only.
WRIT 103 Individualized English Skills
1-2 credit hour
Individualized instruction in spelling, reading,composition, and research skills necessary for effective college learning. Pass/No Pass.
WRIT 110 College Writing
3 credit hours
A course concentrating on expository writing, with an introduction to basic research methods. Argumentative writing is also introduced.
WRIT 111 Caring for Words
3 credit hours
How can the way we write form us morally? How can we, by caring for words, steward the truth in a "post-truth" society? This course concentrates on the writing, arguing, and critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in an academic and professional environment, including research strategies relevant for contemporary writing contexts. By practicing the habits and strategies of successful writing, students learn to listen humbly, draft patiently, and argue lovingly. Enrollment is capped at 20 students per section, and students must enroll in the course by their third semester at 性世界传媒.
WRIT 200 Studies in Writing
3 credit hours
Introduces important concepts in the study of writing. Students will read and respond to writing and rhetorical theory, and will read, discuss, and produce written analyses of theories in the study of writing. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 210 Practical Grammar and Editing
3 credit hours
This course helps those who want to understand and to be able to explain to others what can be done to make writing correct, clear, and precise. Focuses on constructing, editing, and correcting sentences and paragraphs. This is not a remedial course.
WRIT 230 Introduction to Journalism
3 credit hours
A course designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience in reporting, writing, and editing news for the print media. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 240 Technical Writing
3 credit hours
Introduces students to the principles and procedure of technical writing; attention to analyzing audience and purpose, organizing information, designing graphic aids, and writing such specialized forms as abstracts, instructions, and proposals.
Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 250 Creative Nonfiction
3 credit hours
A workshop approach to writing creative nonfiction. Introduces students to the many voices, styles, and structures of the creative essay. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 275 Field Experience
1 credit hour
Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This introductory experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course.
Prerequisite: instructor's permission.
WRIT 285 Selected Topics
3 credit hours
Occasional special courses created to fit the needs and interests of faculty, visiting professors, and students.
WRIT 290 Professional Seminar
1 credit hour
This course examines career options for English majors. Goal setting, professional development, and marketing skills are emphasized. Required of all English majors. Prerequisite: English major with sophomore standing.
WRIT 310 Professional Writing
3 credit hours
This course explores trends in media convergence, focusing as well on the ways reporters, editors, and designers create stories for the web. Particular emphasis will be on web-based story design, the coordination of text and art, and the creation of stories for a variety of new media outlets. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 330 Magazine and Feature Writing
3 credit hours
A workshop approach to writing feature articles and other shorter nonfiction forms for periodicals. Student-produced material is submitted to various publications as part of course expectations. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 350 Composition Theory
3 credit hours
This course provides an introduction to writing theory. Students will explore different approaches to writing theory, and will apply what they have learned about composition and rhetoric to their own written work. Prerequisite: WRIT 200.
WRIT 360 Writing Fiction
3 credit hours
A workshop approach to writing fiction. Students write and prepare for publication original works. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 370 Writing Poetry
3 credit hours
A workshop approach to writing poetry. Students write and prepare for publication original works. Prerequisite: WRIT 111 Caring for Words, enrollment in the Honors Program, or instructor permission.
WRIT 390 Playwriting
3 credit hours
This course is designed to introduce basic playwriting, in particular elements of the playwright's craft: dramatic action, plot, characterization and theatricality. The course functions as a playwriting workshop with students presenting exercises in class to be discussed by their peers. Utilizing techniques learned, students will complete a draft of a one-act play.
WRIT 399 Cross-Cultural Experience
3 credit hours
This course offers in-depth discipline specific cross-cultural study designed to enhance the intercultural emphasis of various academic majors. The course includes class meetings followed by travel to various locations throughout the world. Students will use core disciplinary knowledge to serve, learn and interact with other cultures. Additional course fee is required.
WRIT 465 Advanced Studies in Creative Writing
3 credit hours
This is an advanced study of creative writing, following a workshop approach. Students will have the option of exploring poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction, which will be offered on a rotating basis. Students are free to repeat this course. Prerequisite: WRIT 250 Creative Nonfiction, WRIT 360 Writing Fiction or WRIT 370 Writing Poetry. 300 level course must be in the same genre as the advanced writing course.
WRIT 470 Journalism II
3 credit hours
Students hone journalistic skills in areas such as interviewing techniques, cultivating sources, investigative reporting, and editing and layout. Prerequisite: JOUR/WRIT 230 Introduction to Journalism or instructor's permission.
WRIT 475 Field Experience
1-3 credit hour
Supervised experience in the discipline including internships and practica required for professional programs. This introductory experience must have an on-site supervisor and/or a departmental instructor overseeing, designing, and evaluating the content of the course.
WRIT 485 Selected Topics
3 credit hours
Occasional special courses created to fit the needs and interests of faculty, visiting professors, and students.
WRIT 490 Senior Experience
2 credit hours
Students will choose to research and write a senior thesis, working with a faculty member in their area of interest; or will complete a service project in a community organization, in a school classroom, or in another identified literacy program; or will complete a professional internship; or will create a portfolio of written work.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing
WRIT 495 Individualized Study
1-3 credit hour
Individualized study or supervised research in an area of special interest to the student which is outside the regular offerings of the major. Additional course fee (per credit) is required.