Year 1
The 55-credit first year incorporates course work ranging from occupational engagement, patient care management, and human anatomy to evidence-informed practice and occupational therapy (OT) methods. -
Year 2
The 41-credit second year includes training in wellness and health promotion; clinical applications in pediatrics, geriatrics, adult physical dysfunction and mental health; scholarly implementation, dissemination and application; and administration and management. Students complete their 24 weeks of Level II fieldwork rotations in two specialty areas during their second year. -
Year 3
The 24-credit third year consists of two trimesters, which starts in the fall and concludes in April. It incorporates both classroom work and a distance/hybrid format. During this third year, students will complete their 14-week doctoral residency in a specialized area/setting, culminating in a capstone project that they will defend in order to graduate.
Delivery of Coursework
The occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) program is 120 credits and is offered on a full-time basis over eight trimesters (five on campus and three off campus). Coursework is provided in a blended/hybrid learning format, a combination of in-person campus-based instruction and an online learning component.
Lab classes are taught in a hands-on setting, while some portions of the course content are presented through a variety of interactive online activities and augmented by in-class discussions. This learning style allows students to have a vast range of learning techniques at their fingertips.
The curriculum includes fieldwork experiences throughout the eight trimesters, including two 12-week opportunities, and culminates in a 14-week residency/experiential component during which OTD students obtain advanced clinical skills in a selected area of practice and implement and evaluate a new program.