University Withdrawal Process
Table of Contents
The option to withdraw from the university is available to students who plan to quit attending the current semester or future semesters. Students may complete the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form ( > Student Resources > University Forms) at any time. What is selected on the form (mid-semester or end of semester) will inform the university how to process the request.
Mid-Semester Withdrawal
A student may submit a mid-semester withdrawal if they wish to leave before the semester is over. In these cases, students can indicate whether or not they intend to complete any of their classes that semester.
If a student leaves mid-semester during the withdrawal period (see academic dates) and does not finish their classes, “W” grades will be assigned on their official transcript. “W” grades do not factor into a student’s GPA and simply indicate the student withdrew before completing the class.
The student will be withdrawn as of the date that the withdrawal form was submitted. If a student leaves after the withdrawal deadline, “WF” grades will be assigned for all classes not complete. “WF” grades are equivalent to an “F” and do negatively affect a student’s GPA.
End-of-Semester Withdrawal
If a student wants to leave the university at the end of the semester, they can indicate this on their withdrawal form. If this is the case, the university will assume the student is completing all registered classes for the current semester indicated on the form. The student will be withdrawn as of the last date of the semester.
The official Withdrawal from the University Policy can be found in the Academic Handbook. The following information is provided to assist students who are considering withdrawing from 性世界传媒.
What You Should Know Before Withdrawing
Withdrawing from the university is an important decision, one that should be considered as a last resort. Before submitting your request, take advantage of the following resources and understand the ramifications if you do decide to withdraw.
Leave of Absence vs. Withdrawal
A leave of absence allows a student to temporarily leave the university with the intent of returning in the future. The student will indicate on their leave of absence form when they plan to return (from the options available). The length of a leave of absence can vary by program, up to a maximum of three semesters, but some departments may have different limits for allowable leave lengths. Students should check with their department to confirm the allowed leave length for their program. A withdrawal discontinues a student from the university completely. If a student wishes to return to 性世界传媒 after a withdrawal, they will need to re-apply through admissions.
Financial Aid Impact
Students receiving federal financial aid who withdraw prior to completing 60% of the term are required to have their aid eligibility recalculated. This means some or all of your federal aid may be removed, leaving you with a balance owed. See Removal of Federal Aid to learn more.
Academic Petition (for late withdrawal)
On rare occasions when a student is experiencing extenuating circumstances that prevent them from submitting their withdrawal when intended, students may submit an Academic Petition for a late withdrawal if they were unable to submit their request prior to the withdrawal deadline (see academic dates). If approved, the student’s withdrawal would be effective as of an earlier date than the date of the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form submission and “WF” grades would be changed to “W” grades on the student’s transcript.
Refund Policy
Students withdrawing will not necessarily have a refund after the potential removal of charges, institutional aid, and federal aid. If the student is determined to have a credit balance after the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) is completed, the funds will be disbursed to the student or parent as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the R2T4 calculation is performed.
Loss of Services
Students who have withdrawn lose their enrollment privileges as of the last day of their enrollment as indicated on the withdrawal form. These privileges encompass a range of services, including but not limited to Google Drive/email access, library services, participation in student activities, utilization of food services, on-campus housing, health services, and other benefits associated with the status of being an enrolled student.
Before You Withdraw
Before choosing to withdraw from 性世界传媒, it is recommended that you get in touch with the specified individuals to delve into the implications of a complete withdrawal and understand how it might impact your educational journey at 性世界传媒.
Connect with your Professor
Your professor has the ability to offer valuable input on your academic work and guide you on the requirements for successfully completing the course. You can meet with them after class, email them, or stop in during their office hours.
Meet with Your CAP Coach or Faculty Advisor
Your CAP Coach and/or faculty advisor can assess the alignment of your current courses with your overall academic plan. They can engage in discussions about potential impacts on your future course sequence if you decide to withdraw. Additionally, they are equipped to assist you in understanding and complying with university policies related to repeating a class, which may require approval from your advisor.
Connect with Financial Aid and Student Accounts
These departments can support you in evaluating the potential impact of withdrawing on your existing financial aid, future eligibility for financial assistance, and overall personal finances. Furthermore, they are available to engage in discussions regarding your financial responsibilities.
How To Withdraw
To formally end enrollment at 性世界传媒, whether it's during or at the conclusion of a semester or enrollment period, students are required to inform the registrar’s office about their departure. This notification should be made through the online Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form ( > Student Resources > University Forms). It's important to note that any other form of communication to the university is not recognized as official notification.
The official withdrawal date is considered to be the date on which the student submits the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form or the last day of the semester for end-of-semester withdrawals.
Check out the step-by-step tutorial on how to complete the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form.
Final Steps After Submitting Withdrawal Form
After submitting the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form, the registrar’s office will drop or withdraw you from the classes in which you are registered (if applicable). The following offices on campus are notified as well and will be in contact with you if necessary about next steps for completing your withdrawal from the university.
- Student Accounts
- Financial Aid will complete a Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation to determine how much of your federal aid you have earned. In the case that funds must be returned, we will notify you via email within 30 days.
- University Housing will coordinate your check-out process. Students completing a check-out need to move their belongings out of their room, clean their room, complete a check-out appointment with their RA, and return their room key to University Housing.
- If you are leaving at the end of the semester, you will complete a standard check-out during finals week.
- If you are leaving prior to the end of the semester, you will receive check-out instructions to be completed within no more than four (4) business days after your Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form has been received.