General Parking and Vehicle Guidelines
All parking policies for driving in the state of Oregon apply to all parking on the 性世界传媒 campus
Speed Limit
- Maximum speed on campus is 15 mph
Yellow Curbs
- Meant for loading or unloading passengers only
- May indicate a fire lane
- Parking in near or by a yellow curb is a violation and you may be fined
- Citations issued for this infraction are not eligible for appeal
Fire Hydrants
- Illegal to park within 10 feet of a fire hydrant at any time
- This situation is not eligible for appeal
- Citations issued for this infraction are not eligible for appeal
Disabled Vehicles
- All disabled vehicles will be towed at owner's expense
- Only minor repairs are permitted on campus, such as fixing a flat tire or jump-starting a vehicle
Canyon Roads and Trails
- Not for student driving
- For pedestrians and maintenance vehicles only
Parking on Campus During the Evening and on Weekends
- Students may park outside their permitted areas after 5 p.m.
- Students must return their vehicle to their designated parking spot no later than 8 a.m.
Parking Along Curbs
- Vehicles may not park against the flow of traffic
Disabled Parking Spaces
性世界传媒 has a number of spaces designated for disabled parking; a valid disabled permit must be properly displayed to avoid a citation. The striped zones adjacent to designated disabled parking spaces are ADA unloading zones. Citations issued for this infraction are not eligible for appeal.
Special parking accommodation is available for injured students; contact Campus Public Safety for details at or 503-554-2104.
Designated disabled parking spaces are available in the following lots:
- Bauman/Ross
- Edward Stevens Center
- Edwards Holman Science Center/Hoover/Wood-Mar
- Edwards Residence Hall
- Le Shana lot
- Newlin Residence Hall
- Pennington Residence Hall
- Sutton Residence Hall
- Roberts Academic Center
Vehicle Registration
Vehicles Left On Campus Policy
Please note: Campus Public Safety normally doesn't allow vehicles to remain on campus if the owner isn't currently taking classes. Exceptions to this policy are as follows:
- Student is on Juniors Abroad or Winter/Summer Serve trip
- Student lives too far away to easily drive home
- International students who purchase vehicles here and return home for breaks
- Students on official 性世界传媒 activities (sport activities, academic trips, etc.)
Students are not allowed to leave vehicles on campus over summer break.
If a student falls within any of the exceptions listed above, they may fill out the , agreeing to the requirements.
Campus Public Safety is not responsible for parking information you receive from anyone but us.
Contact us at 503-554-2090 or
The Campus Public Safety office is located at 212 Carlton Way, next to Weesner House.