Parking Citations and Enforcement
Parking policies are subject to enforcement between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may park in any lot over the weekend.
Registered vehicles may be parked in any lot after 5 p.m. but must be in their designated lots by 7 a.m. the next business day
Violations for parking in a fire lane, reserved space, and parking or blocking an entrance are enforced 24/7
A vehicle in violation of policy may be issued a ticket, immobilized, or towed
Discipline and Payment of Fines
- The individual to whom the vehicle is registered is responsible for all citations to the vehicle
- Student fines will be charged to the student's 性世界传媒 account. Fines can be paid in person at the Student Financial Services office located on the first floor of Stevens Center.
- Employee fees for lost permits ($5 cash) need to pay at the Campus Public Safety office, located at 212 Carlton Way
Parking Citation Types & Graduated Fine Chart
Fines for parking violations are on a graduated scale, meaning that repeat offenses increase the fine. See below for more information.
Citation Type | Fine Amount |
A1. 1st- Parking in Staff Lot/Area | $25.00 |
A2. 2nd- Parking in Staff Lot/Area | $35.00 |
A3. 3rd- Parking in Staff Lot/Area | $45.00 |
A4. 4th+ Parking in Staff Lot/Area | $55.00 |
B1. 1st- Parking in Wrong Lot | $25.00 |
B2. 2nd- Parking in Wrong Lot | $35.00 |
B3. 3rd-Parking in Wrong Lot | $45.00 |
B4. 4th+ Parking in Wrong Lot | $55.00 |
C1. 1st- Non-registered Vehicle | $15.00 |
C2. 2nd- Non-registered Vehicle | $20.00 |
C3. 3rd- Non-registered Vehicle | $35.00 |
C4. 4th+ Non-registered Vehicle | $50.00 |
D1. 1st- Permit Not Displayed | $15.00 |
D2. 2nd- Permit Not Displayed | $20.00 |
D3. 3rd- Permit Not Displayed | $25.00 |
D4. 4th+ Permit Not Displayed | $30.00 |
E. DMV Search Fee | $10.00 |
F1. 1st- Parking in Reserved Space | $25.00 |
F2. 2nd- Parking in Reserved Space | $35.00 |
F3. 3rd- Parking in Reserved Space | $45.00 |
F4. 4th+ Parking in Reserved Space | $55.00 |
G. Improperly Displayed Permit | $25.00 |
H. Improper Parking | $25.00 |
I. Parking in Fire Zone (not eligible for appeal) | $50.00 |
J. Previously Issued Citation | $50.00 |
K. Expired Permit | $15.00 |
L. Vehicle Blocking | $25.00 |
M. Handicapped Parking (not eligible for appeal) | $100.00 |
N. Parking on Sidewalk/Lawn | $25.00 |
O. Unauthorized Parking Near Building | $25.00 |
P. Parking outside designated space | $25.00 |
Vehicle Booting Policy
For repeated violations, campus parking privileges may be denied for the balance of the semester or for one year.
If at the time a citation is issued, the vehicle has had previous tickets for an unregistered vehicle or five or more tickets, then the vehicle may be towed or immobilized, and campus parking privileges may be denied for the balance of the year.
If a student receives three or more citations, including for non-registration, the Office of Student Life may be consulted concerning disciplinary sanctions.
The boot may be used in the following situations:
When any vehicle has received four or more non-registered vehicle citations and the student has neglected to contact Campus Public Safety
- Removal of the boot will occur when the student comes into Campus Public Safety office and completes the vehicle registration process. The student must affix the permit to the vehicle before the boot will be removed. The last offense for the non-registered vehicle will be dropped and the student will only be charged the non-refundable fee of $100 for the cost of the permit.
- Any other fines for the non-registered vehicle will remain unappealable.
- If the owner of the vehicle does not come to the Campus Public Safety office and register within 48 hours of immobilization, the non-action will be cause for the vehicle to be towed at the owner's expense. We will consider the vehicle abandoned
When any vehicle has received five citations or more and the student has made no attempt to respond to the citations or ask for clarification from Campus Public Safety
- Removal of the boot will occur when the student signs an agreement stating they will come in to talk with the director of Campus Public Safety within seven days.
- If the owner of the vehicle does not come to the Campus Public Safety office and sign the agreement or discuss their parking offenses within 48 hours of immobilization, the non-action will be cause for the vehicle to be towed at the owner's expense. We will consider the vehicle abandoned.
- If violations continue after the meeting, parking privileges may be revoked
- Towing the vehicle may occur if the vehicle is found in violation of the university's parking policies
Parking Citation Appeals
For information on appeals, check out the Parking Citation Appeals page.
Campus Public Safety is not responsible for parking information you receive from anyone but us.
Contact us at 503-554-2090 or
The Campus Public Safety office is located at 212 Carlton Way, next to Weesner House.