
Housing Selection Process for Current Students

Housing selection occurs annually each spring for returning students who plan to live on campus. All students need to fill out the Housing Intent Form, even if living off campus.

Here are more details on the application process and important dates to be aware of.

2025 Timeline

  • Feb. 10: Housing and Meal Plan Intent Form opens
  • March 1: Housing Accommodation, Housing Petition, and Commute from Home forms due
  • March 7: Housing Preview Open House (in partnership with Student Activities!)
  • March 10: Housing Intent Form completion deadline for inclusion in Housing Selection
  • March 12: Juniors and Seniors emailed timeslot and Housing Selection information
  • March 13-14: Junior/Senior Selection Days
  • March 18: Sophomores emailed timeslot and Housing Selection information
  • March 19-20: Sophomore Selection Days

Selection Process

  1. Start Your Application

  2. On- or Off-Campus Intent?

    We need to know where you are planning on living next year. You can select either an "On-Campus" or "Off-Campus" housing intent.

    If you are not eligible to live off-campus due to age or semesters lived on-campus, you will not have an option to choose “Off-Campus.”

    Note: If you are eligible to live off-campus and change your intent to "Off-Campus" after you have a confirmed housing placement, you will be charged a $150 cancellation fee. After June 1 the cancellation fee goes up to $300.

  3. Choose Your Housing Selection Track

    After selecting “On-Campus,” choose from one of our four “Selection Tracks.” You can:

    • Choose to renew your room space and live in the exact same spot next year
    • Choose to select a room space and pick your own room
    • Opt for University Housing to assign you to a room
    • Select to be part of an RA group (this is only if an RA has requested you to live with them)

    Note: Students not in a Roommate Group (explained more in Step #4) will be automatically included for University Housing to place them.

  4. Request Roommates

    There are two ways to search for/request roommates:

    Do you know who you want to live with? Search by their 性世界传媒 email address and invite each person you want to live with. They will each need to accept this request.

    Not sure who you want to live with? Search by different profile questions to find other students who match your lifestyle. They will need to accept your request in order to be paired together.

    Some important info to know about the roommate selection process:

    • Students are not required to select a roommate or be part of a roommate group. Those without a roommate will be placed by the office of university housing.
    • To search and find roommates, each student needs to have logged in and started a Housing Intent Form on the . A student is not searchable until they have an active application.
    • After the Housing Intent Form due date passes, the office of university housing will assign room selection timeslots for each student. Students will be notified of their timeslot for room selection by email.
    • Even though each student will be assigned their own timeslot, the student in a Roommate Group with the earliest timeslot may assign all group members into their desired location. The person in the group who has the earliest timeslot will log into the Housing Intent Form to select a housing location for everyone in the group.
    • If a group needs to change roommates, they can go into the Housing Intent Form and remove the roommates they will no longer be living with. The new group will then be able to select their own housing.
  5. Choose Your Housing Location During the Assigned Timeslot

    • Timeslots are assigned to students based on individual accumulated credits and semesters lived on-campus. Note: This process has changed from previous years. We are no longer assigning timeslots based on a roommate group’s average credits.
    • Timeslots will be emailed to students prior to housing selection week.
    • During an assigned timeslot, one person from a roommate group can go into the “Rooms” page in the Housing Intent Form on the  to reserve a room/beds for each group member in on-campus apartments, houses, suites, or residence halls.
    • Note: Group size does not need to match the location size in order to select that living location. For example, a group of three may select a location that fits four people. However, the remaining spot will be available for another student to select.
    • Students who do not select a roommate or are not part of a Roommate Group will be placed by the office of university housing.
  6. Choose a Meal Plan

    Students can select and change their meal plan on the Meal Plan Form through the Friday of the first week of each semester. For students selecting meal plans during the housing selection process, additional credits may be applied to the accumulative credit total after the completion of the spring semester (late May or early June). This may lead to additional meal plan option eligibility.

    After completing the Meal Plan Form, students can return to the form and change their meal plan through the Friday of the first week of each semester.

  7. Confirmation

    • If you choose the “I want University Housing to Assign me a Placement” option in your application, we will assign individuals to open spots between April and July. The time frame can take a bit longer so that our office is able to find the best spot for you.
    • Check the “Application Status” page of the Housing Intent Form in the  to see if your room or off-campus status has been confirmed. If you would like to live in a different on-campus location (aside from your assigned location), in late June, room re-selection will be open, and any rooms still vacant will be open for you to select to move to.

    Please stop by the student life office in the Hadlock Student Center or email housing@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Housing Selection FAQ

A Roommate Group can consist of two to six members, depending on the type of room/location they want to live in. However, depending on the amount of openings a house has, an RA group could have up to 13 members.
Students are assigned timeslots based on their individual credits and semesters lived on campus. During your timeslot, you may take as much time as you need to select a location, but keep in mind that new students will be given timeslot access to select their housing in the portal every 15 minutes. 
Great question! It means that students with junior or senior standing will receive timeslots during the junior/senior preference days. If they have roommates in their groups that are sophomore standing, they may assign their roommates during their timeslot. Sophomores will receive timeslots for the sophomore preference days to select their housing.
If you cannot find your friend, ask them to make sure they have started their Housing Intent Form. Every student must have an active application in the system in order to be searchable. To have an active application, a student must have logged in and started an application.  
Yes. All students living on or off campus must fill out the Housing Intent Form. The option to live off campus will not be available to you if you are not eligible to live off campus. First you must first apply to commute from home. Once the office of university housing processes your commute from home request, you will be able to select “off-campus” in the Housing Intent Form.
You will be able to login and select a room at any point after your timeslot opens up during the Housing Selection process. However, other students will also be receiving timeslots during that time, which allows more students to select their housing locations.
No. As long as the Housing Intent Form is filled out by the deadline, which is March 10th, there is no advantage to filling it out early.
Once you click "Reserve Beds," you will be unable to backtrack and change your selection. It is important to research your options before your timeslot and choose carefully during the selection process. If you make a mistake, please contact housing@georgefox.edu.
You can request a transfer by searching their 性世界传媒 email address in the application. As long as they have an active application (meaning they have logged in and started their Housing Intent Form), you will be able to find their name and request them as a roommate.
Some students might have holds on their account due to unpaid balances. Balances on accounts must be paid in order for a student to go through the housing and meal plan intent process. Please contact Student Accounts if you have questions at studentaccounts@georgefox.edu or call at 503-554-2301.
You can do this in the "Roommate Group" page by clicking on "leave group." If that option is no longer available, you will need to email housing@georgefox.edu to be taken out of a group and see if you can enter into another group.
Due to demand, we cannot hold beds open. However, you can try to find another student who will be a resident during fall semester only. This would allow your friend the chance to apply for the open spot when they return in spring semester.
Email housing@georgefox.edu from your 性世界传媒 email account. Cancellations result in a $150 forfeiture fee (prior to June 1) or $300 forfeiture fee (on or after June 1).
Contact housing@georgefox.edu to make your request. Our ability to accommodate your request will depend on whether we have another student slated to fill the space; therefore, it is helpful to make your request at the same time your roommate submits their cancellation.
If you are signing up for housing as an individual, you will need to fill out the Housing Intent Form. Once you complete your form, the Office of University Housing will be able to assign you to one of your requested living areas. This process occurs between April and July. Students who select for the Office of University Housing to place them may have a timeframe that can take a bit longer so that our office is able to find the best spot for you.
You can request a new student by searching their 性世界传媒 email address in the application. As long as they have an active application (meaning they have logged in and started their Housing Intent Form), you will be able to find their name and request them as a roommate. Note: Incoming first-year students that are not transfers may only live in first-year residence halls and are ineligible for apartments or houses.
You may place you and your roommates into any open spots during your timeslot. If you do not fill a location, it simply means that open spot will be available for another student to select during housing selection.
It’s not too late! You may go back into the form at any time to update your “My Profile” page.
These fields are confidential and only used by student life professional staff in case of emergency.
Your meal plan options are based on your current accumulated credit total. Because spring semester credits will not be applied until May/June, you will have more options available to you after your current semester credits have been applied to your credit total. You can change your meal plan selection up until the Friday of the first week of the fall semester.