Becoming a Club
Clubs offer a unique opportunity for those with similar interests to come together to learn, grow and find community. This section contains information for those interested in starting a club.
Club Requirements
- Clubs must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for official recognition by the university
- A club must consist of at least three offices, typically a president, vice president, treasurer, and/or any other officers deemed necessary.
- A club must hold regular meetings, at least once per month.
- A club must have a current full-time faculty or staff advisor.
- It must have a clearly stated mission and purpose statements consistent with the university’s mission and vision statements.
- It must have a current constitution.
- It must include a current list of officers, members and advisor(s), including names, and email addresses.
- With the exception of groups registered as competitive – “club athletic or academic” teams requiring a tryout process – clubs and organizations must be open and accessible to all undergraduate 性世界传媒 students regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, economic status or physical ability.
- Clubs with fewer than 10 members are not eligible for chartered status.
Registering for Official Recognition
All student clubs who would like to be officially recognized by 性世界传媒 must complete the following:
New Club Application
Complete the
Club Advisor Agreement
Sent on your club's behalf once your application is complete.
Club Student Body Support
Accessible once your application is complete.
Meet with Clubs Director
Contact Maliah Noemi Aldan:
Club Constitution
Budget Data
Release Liability Forms
: For clubs participating in any form of physical activity, i.e. club athletic teams.
Club Renewal Form
To be completed at the end of each spring semester should clubs wish to continue the following year.
If you have questions, please contact Maliah at