
child holding a leaf

Youth Science Classes

Classes run 2/24 - 4/11, with no classes during March 24-28 for Spring Break

All classes will have an enrollment limit of 16 students. Courses cost $80 per student.

Ages 6 to 8 ($80.00)  

Weather Wranglers

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm, EHS Room 225

Teachers: Abi and Ellie

Put on your meteorologist hats and step into our weather science corral, because we're about to wrangle up some weather! Learn about tornadoes, thunder, lightning, the water cycle, and much, much more. We’ll be starting our journey with observations about the weather we see around us, taking field trips to our own “Grand Canyon” (Hess Creek), and working on lassoing our forecasting skills. It’s goin’ to be a rootin’ tootin’ time, so come join us! We look forward to seein’ y’all there. Yeehaw!

Ages 9-11 ($80.00)

Science or Magic?

Fridays 3:30-4:30, EHS Room 202

Teachers: Hannah & Lauren

Is it "magic" or science? Curiosity is the key that inspired scientists to discover the "magic" behind density, gravity, thermodynamics, osmosis, and more. In this class, we will follow in their footsteps by asking questions, developing experiments, and testing our hypotheses in the lab. What is the scientific method? Why do we perform experiments? How can we work together to expand our understanding? Join us as we explore what it means to be a scientist!

Ages 9-11 ($80.00)


Thursdays 10:00-11:00, EHS Room 225

Teachers: Sam & Briska

Geology isn't just about rocks, minerals, and crystals - it's the ultimate treasure hunt beneath our feet! From the explosive power of volcanoes to the mysteries behind earthquakes, geology lets you explore the planet's coolest secrets. We'll dive into hands-on activities, labs, and more. Our experienced instructors will help you explore geology and earth science in this exciting course! It will be an rocksplosion of a good time!

Ages 12-14 ($80.00)

Awesome Anatomy

Tuesdays 12:00-1:00pm, EHS Room 203

Teachers: Lauren & Tyberius

Uncover the mysteries of anatomy and physiology in this hands-on adventure! Guided by experienced instructors, you'll learn about the intricate organ systems that make life possible. Whether you're curious about how hearts pump, how lungs breathe, or how brains think, this class is for you! We'll use both models and preserved animal and organ specimens in this class to help students gain a greater appreciation for biology.

General Information

The Science Outreach Program offers science classes for children in our community during the fall and spring semesters. These classes allow students to learn about the wonders of God’s creation in a laboratory using equipment not readily available elsewhere. These classes are experiential, hands-on, and lab-based.

Each class is held once a week and is completed within one semester. Class size is limited, and topics vary each session and semester. Please contact the Science Outreach Program with questions about the classes.


The classes are taught by 性世界传媒 undergraduate students majoring in science and education. Each class is team-taught with two instructors, giving each student more one-on-one assistance.

All student teachers receive lesson planning, delivery, and classroom management training and work closely with the Science Outreach Program director to create and deliver their courses.

Class Fees & Scholarships

The subsidized class fee helps to cover the cost of instructor payroll, class supplies, and field trip expenses, if applicable. Fees may vary from class to class depending on lab and/or field trip expenses. 

性世界传媒 makes every effort to keep the cost of these classes as low as possible while maintaining the highest possible quality of instruction. Please contact the Science Outreach Program via email (scienceoutreach@georgefox.edu) to inquire about need-based scholarships.

Online Registration

Please use the link at the top of the page to register for Youth Science Classes. Registration for Science Outreach classes is no longer done by mail or in person at 性世界传媒. 

Mailing List

We maintain an email contact list to distribute updated information about youth science classes. If you would like to be on our email list to get advance notice of when registration will open, please email the Science Outreach Program at scienceoutreach@georgefox.edu.

Directions to 性世界传媒

The youth science classes are held in the Edwards-Holman Science Center building or the Roberts Center building on the 性世界传媒 campus in Newberg, Oregon. Please see the campus map for the location of EHS, Roberts Center and visitor parking lots. You will be given a parking pass on the first day of class.

The Edwards-Holman Science Center (EHS) is directly behind the Wood-Mar building off Meridian Street. Upon reaching downtown Newberg, follow 99W to Meridian Street. Turn north onto Meridian, and follow it for two blocks. Make a right into the 性世界传媒 parking lot. 

The Roberts Center is located off of East Sherman Street. From Portland Rd/Highway 99, turn North onto N. Villa Rd. and left onto East Sherman Street. Follow it to the end of the street and turn right. Enter in the Roberts Center West Wing.