Student Handbook FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
If I want to get involved with a club on campus, whom should I talk with about it?
You can talk with the advisor of the club, or one of the student representatives. You can find out who these individuals are on the Student Clubs page, or by contacting the Student Activities Director, or stop by their offices in the Hadlock Student Center.
If I want to become involved in student leadership, what opportunities are there on campus?
There are numerous opportunities for students to become involved in leadership on campus, including Student Government, Student Activities, Residence Life, Spiritual Life, Intercultural Life, , Admissions, etc. Please see the respective department to see how you can get involved.
If I live off campus, am I still under the jurisdiction of the University Lifestyle Standards?
Yes. All undergraduate students are held to the same lifestyle standards, regardless of housing status or location. When students apply for admission to 性世界传媒, they sign a statement regarding lifestyle standards. Students are to hold each other accountable to these expectations. The university becomes involved in the accountability process as necessary and as outlined in the student handbook.
If I am visiting my family over a break or holiday, do I still have to abide by the University Lifestyle Agreement?
The University understands that some families may have differing expectations in regard to some aspects of the lifestyle agreement. In this instance (while the student is at home), the student may act under the direction of his/her parent(s). Please see the Application of the Lifestyle Standards section of the student handbook for more detailed information.
Can I visit my friends of the opposite sex in other living areas?
In University housing, visitation hours are set and outlined clearly for students. It is expected that students will respect and adhere to the set hours.
Can I watch R-rated movies in my living area?
The University discourages the use of the industry rating code as a guide in determining which films are acceptable. Students are encouraged to select films of aesthetic and ethical interest that offer an important perspective on contemporary culture. It is expected that individuals will diligently use Christian principles in selecting films.
If I am at a party with other students where alcohol is being served, what should I do?
If you are in the presence of other 性世界传媒 students who are consuming alcohol, you may be held accountable as an active participant in violating the lifestyle standards. In an instance such as this one, the university believes you should remove yourself from the situation. Students are reminded that peer accountability is strongly encouraged. The only exception to this stipulation are incidents that fall under the Conditional Immunity policy.
When do I sign up for housing?
Returning students sign up for housing in the spring semester (for the following academic year). Information regarding housing selection, outlining the process and policies, is updated on the Housing Selection Process webpage in the early part of spring semester.
How do I get permission to live off campus?
Only those students meeting the criteria (mainly students commuting from home, or juniors and seniors) will be permitted to live off-campus, as long as they apply within the stated time frames. 性世界传媒 is a residential university, and the residential experience is highly valued (see Off-Campus Housing Policy for additional information).
Whom should I talk to if I have questions about food service/meal plans?
You may speak with either someone from Bon Appétit (the general manager or one of his/her designees), or with the Student Life Office. Students are expected to know the deadlines for meal plan selection. This information can be found on the Meal Plan Options page. Every effort is made to accommodate student schedules and dietary needs. Students with dietary restrictions should review the meal plan accommodation process.
Whom should I talk to if I notice a possible error on my bill?
Talk with your assigned student accounts specialist. Student Accounts is located on the first floor of the Stevens Center. Find more information about finances at the Student Accounts website.
As a traditional undergraduate student, am I required to attend chapel services?
As part of a student's educational experience at 性世界传媒, all full-time undergraduate students are required to earn 15 Spiritual Life credits each semester. These credits can be earned in a variety of ways - through weekly chapel services, participation in Life Groups, approved service opportunities, and many other opportunities offered through the semester. For a full description of the Spiritual Formation Program and requirements check out the Chapel page.
As a student, what is my responsibility in communication and obtaining vital information?
The University strives to communicate effectively through a variety of media. Students are expected to regularly check their personal university e-mail account and The Daily Bruin. These contain important information/deadlines that students are responsible to know.